
Ways to make my room colder? please help me?

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I sleep upstairs of my house and it's way hotter then it is downstairs. There is no air conditioner. I have a fan, but it doesn't really help at all. Any ways? Please and thank you! =D




  1. I have that problem too.

    The only thing that seems to help is when it's night time and it gets cooler out, open the windows and situate a fan in front of it, so it sucks in cooler air. Make sure you shut the window in the early morning before it gets too hot.

    During the day, shut your blinds or curtains so the sun doesn't beat in and leave as many lights off as possible. I usually just use my little bedside lamp, so my room doesn't heat up.

  2. if you have a window use one of those air conditioners that you stick in the window

  3. During the day have your fan blowing out.

    Heat rises so you would be sucking the hot air out.

    At night turn your fan inward.

    That is the best you can really do from what you`ve said.

  4. You can get a room a/c that is like a console on wheels. It can be vented thru an open window. Wal Mart or Lowe's has them.

    I worked at a daycare and they bought one for a room that was too hot. Worked fine.

  5. Keep the fan on and open the windows. Sleep with an ice pack.

  6. Get a bucket of cold water, and place it behind the fan.  Then, drape a towel over both the bucket and the fan.  It REALLY helps...and it's eco friendly!

  7. keep the blinds down in the day so no light comes in, and put a bowl of ice in front of the fan and it blows cold air rather than just blowing around the warm air.

    also spraying your bed lightly with a mist of water will keep u cool when asleep!

  8. I feel your pain!  It's been in the mid 90's in Seattle this week!  I have 5 fans running, including two that suck the air OUT of the room and it's still 86 degrees in my room.  And as you know, hot air rises, so I can only imagine how hot your room must be!

    I had forgotten this little trick until your question sparked my memory. Take a large METAL BOWL and fill it to the brim with ICE.   Add a liberal amount of SALT (rock or kosher salt is best but any kind will do) and add about 1/4 to 1/2 as much WATER as the bowl will hold (it will fill as the ice melts).

    Place the bowl near you and the fan behind the bowl so the air is blowing towards you.  The ice water will greatly cool the air and you!

    Hope you cool off soon :-)


  9. Get an air conditioner..I think a portable one would be easier for you than getting one of those you have to hang on the wall.

    Here's a review about the top portable air conditioners:

    If you can't afford an air conditioner..and you have a central heating system in your house..then here's what you gotta do.. find some really cold rooms in your house..see that hole from which the air comes out?..get some A4 papers..and just cover a part of that hole in each room with a paper by sticking the paper on it with a duct tape..the bigger the part you cover..the more air reaches other rooms..But you also can't cover a big part because if you do then the room with the covered hole will become hot.

    this works because in a central heating system..all the air pipes in all rooms are when you cover the hole..the air that used to get through that hole is divided through the remainin holes..resulting in making the other rooms colder.

    Hope this helps.

  10. Put ice in your bed under a comforter

    Buy a GOOD fan

    OPEN THE FRIGGIN WINDOW! If you dont have one then tough luck.

    Ask your parents to get your room air conditioned

    if it's bothering you that much to ask for advice....MOVE ROOMS, or better yet HOUSES, TO ICELAND.

    And remember ALWAYS keep a glass of CHILLED water next to your bed.

  11. You should tell your parents to buy you a special air conditioner just for your room. You know, like a small one.

  12. unfortunately with upstairs rooms in summer theres always a heat problem and if the roof is flat with no gable it will be a furnace by late afternoon as some of the others said ,a portable air conditioner is the go they cost in australia about 800.00 dollars another way is the rent to buy approach for an airconditioner that fits in the window usually instaled by these depts.

    the cheapest way out though is to sleep down stairs when its un bearable, does it really matter if you sleep in the lounge or what ever u have dowstairs. one other thing to bear in mind is in this upstairs area dont leave medication or face creams or anything you use orally in or on your body in summer take it downstairs, cheers peter.

  13. The principle of air conditioning is to remove the hot air, you need to install an attic fan to remove the hot air, cross ventilation can be helpful, install 2 window fans, one to pull air in and an opposing fan to exhaust the air; of course, by the time you did this, you could probably have paid for a small a/c.  

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