
Ways to measure the ammount of c**p that al gore says?

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Ways to measure the ammount of c**p that al gore says?




  1. in metric tons

  2. What's wrong with Al Gore?  He doesn't even want your vote.  Get off it already.  Just get with the program and let us control pollution will ya?  

    If you took a dump in my living room, I would ask you politely to clean it up.  If you refused and then proceeded to continue to defecate where my children live and play I would get angry... and support a guy like Al Gore to initiate a mass movement to make you clean your @#$% up.

  3. he is full of it, he might have a while to go.

  4. Here's a judge who did it for you:

    He points out where Gore is wrong....  and where he's right.

  5. Sorry, I can't help you. Can we discuss the issue this section is about instead of Al Gore?

  6. Top 10 Best Ways to Measure Al Gore c**p

    10. Directly proportional to the amount of money he makes. So far it is in the hundreds of millions. That's a lot of c**p.

    9. Directly proportional to his gut. Again, lots of c**p.

    8. Look at the amount of CO2 that loud mouth spews into the atmosphere, then measure that against what he thinks the rest of us should emit.

    7. How long is his movie? It's all c**p.

    6. What is 24/7 times 365?

    5. How many books has he sold times how many pages times the number of trees to make a single page. How about online publishing you big ***.

    4. The amount of CO2 he exhales. If Al ceases to exist, we save that much CO2. Sorry Al, but it is for the future of humanity.

    3. Have Al Gore and Reverend Wright compete in a talk off.

    2. How much additional CO2 was used to count hanging chads?

    1. Al Gore's house times Al Gores jet times Al Gore's limo times Al Gores visits to the buffet line = WINNER OF THE HYPOCRITE OF THE CENTURY AWARD!


    Maybe we should try to measure your high level of denial and cynicism...

  8. I think he has used some bullzzhit credits to sell it as fertilizer.  

    Maybe we could run his zillion square foot home on it's methane emissions.

  9. I believe the global temperature increase is a direct result of hot gas emissions from Al Gore.

    h**l, I believe in global warming; Al Gore is just a jackass.

  10. He's smart in that he knows how to trick people into believeing the biggest BS theories he makes up.

    Scientists have told him he's wrong, but what does he care?  People actually think he knows what he's talking about.  Hello!  He's a politican! Not a d**n scientist! lmao.

    He's in it for the attention and fame.  But who wouldn't be?  

    He's not the idiot, it's the people who believe him.

    Maine and China had it's coldest winters this year.

    20 years ago everyone freaked out about "Global Cooling!!!" Look it up.

    It's all BS.

    Al Gore has private jets, many houses and many cars.

    He'd be the biggest contributor to his own theory lmfao.

    What an ***.

  11. what is it with you people and al gore?

    hello! lots more people over here (waves) you not the only country in the world

  12. On a scale of 1-10 one being totally true and 10 being a total lie he is getting close to 15.

  13. Once you have him measured I'd recommend you get out the Gore Catapult.

  14. I have a Gore detector.

    It goes up to 11.

  15. Count the amount of the people who believes in him....

    AL GORE wants to start a religion!!!, he is a fanatic....  He wants to make everybody in the USA feel guilty for driving big cars, etc.... while he is always  flying in private jets.... and he lives in a mansion.... Let's feel proud of living in the best country of the world....

    by the way I'm not even from USA, but I love it..

  16. Take the amount of words he uses and multiply by .366666. That is approximately how many lbs (US pounds) of c**p produced by Al Gore daily. Which I do believe, increases his carbon footprints exponentially.

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