
Ways to reduce air pollution in farming community?

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What ways can you reduce air and water pollution in a farming community? What are some ways to reduce air pollution from trains, highways, farming equipment, and insecticides? Also what are some ways to reduce water pollution and arsenic in the water?

Anyone can help I would SOO appreciate it!




  1. The number one way is to stop large hog or cattle opporations and increase ventilation in facilities with animals. Store waste away from lakes, rivers, streams, creaks, and ditches. Keep waste contained. Use less insecticides and apply only as needed. Stop tilling in the fall. Don't burn waste. Recycle waste by fertilizing corn fields. Ship products on trains rather than semis. Keep equipment well maintained. I live in Iowa. This is all I can think of. Lots of farmers don't do most of these things.

  2. Attach pilot lights to livestocks rear.

  3. Are you doing your paper last minute also? lol I have to do a paper on comparing pollution solutions in my community versus another students...good luck.

  4. Some good answers, I particularly enjoyed the one about putting pilot lights on cows rears. About arsenic,it occurs naturally in the water, not much we can do about it.

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