
Ways to relive stress?

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Let me just say it flat out

My family is a bunch of crazy,yelling, unreasonable lunatics

I however try to keep calm in alot of situations but due to everything around me i am slowly loosing my "cool"

ive noticed myself getting more tense and i am also exausted way too often.

I cant go to sleep easily even when i try to relax its hard.

Anyone know of any excersices i can do or anything at all to help myself relax and block out all the stress around me

i really need some help




  1. Deep breaths really help to calm me down when I'm unhappy. You should do something that calms you down. Something easy, that doesn't involve a lot of thinking or movement.

  2. Men usually find more solice in exercise and women more solice in having a chat about it with their friends. But both can be good. Chill out a bit my yourself or with friends maybe with some music or outside on a  clear night? If you can drive, go for a night drive, I used to find that helped.

  3. try a warm bubble bath

    reading a good book

    taking a walk

    listening to music

    talking to friends

    get a pet they are good for stress

  4. YOGA. I was an anxious person, very stressed out, and I took a yoga class in college. It was amazing, and it made me so calm.

    If you are a guy, don't feel embarrassed. Many men do yoga and it isn't about flexibility; it's about controlling your breathing and calming your organs.

    My suggestion is to look for yoga classes in your area, specifically look for ones that are more calming (there are exercise yoga, flexibility yoga, so it might be more intense than you want it to be.)

    Or get a DVD that's for calming yoga and get a yoga mat (at Wal-Mart, Target, they aren't hard to find.)

    It did wonders for me. The breathing exercises are the key, and it might take awhile, but give it a month or two. It's hard at first, but amazing after that.

    Another thing I do is drink chamomile tea. It usually calms me down a bit.
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