
Ways to stay upbeat and positive?

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I am trying very hard to follow advice from that whole theory in "The Secret." You know, the whole Law of Attraction thing where like attracts like. Therefore, I'm trying to stay as positive as I can and trying hard not to get frustrated, bummed out or super angry when things go awry.

What do you do in your daily life to stay positive or upbeat or to help you through somewhat frustrating moments/tough times throughout your day?




  1. Always look at the brighter side of things. Keep a positive attitude and try to not let the little things stress you. Also try to surround yourself with people who would also give that positive influence off. Hope that helps !! Peace

  2. Fight and don't give up!  Solve your problems one at a time.  Get plenty of advice.  Talk to people who've been in the same situations.

    Find something positive about every situation.  "Every cloud has a silver lining".  "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade".

    Keep thinking positive!

  3. Always have something to look forward to, even if it's something small. If I'm having a bad day at work, I think about what I'm going to have for dinner when I get home, or about how i'm going on a date this Friday. That reminds you that even if things are frustrating or unpleasant now, they're going to get better. The fact that you're looking forward to small, short-term things means that you almost always realize your goals.

  4. I am mellow.. got that? I am asked daily "Do you smoke weed fool!?"

    And no. I'm just that apathetic.

    But also its my way of thinking and my choice in music.

    Hatebreed and slipknot are big influences in my release in anger.

    And George Carlin taught me how to handle the rest.

    So a combination of absolute hate and melllllllllooooowww.. additude is how I do it. Find out how you do it. Its all in your head.

    Don't let things, that haven't happened, affect you. Stop caring. Seriously. Someone stepped on my shoe and I was like.. yeah whatever.

  5. I put on majical music on the XM and it lifts my whole house hold, the feeling is like christmas when I do that!

  6. Just sit back, think of all the things in your life your grateful for. Or you could look at the grand scheme of things, it will show you that the issue at hand really isn't all that big of a deal. And/or you can just sit back and look at what the type of person you want to be would do in the situation. If you want to be more courageous, would a more courageous you tend to take the difficult, but high road out of things?

    Hope this helps

  7. Turn your brain to another station. In other words, focus on something else. Let it wash over you, instead of soaking it up like a sponge.

  8. Stay in the moment.  If you believe that you create each moment then you are exactly where you are supposed to be.  Each event in your life is just that... an event.  It is the meaning that you give it that can bum you out.  By truly experiencing the present moment you allow youself to be more centered and happy.   There is no sweeter pleasure than satisfaction and contentment arising spontaneously within the present moment. Try reading Eckhart Tolle's "A New Earth".

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