
Ways to stimulate conversation?

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My husband and I have always have a little bit of difficulty talking easily together. We are interested in different things and although he is very intelligent, his thoughts don't make the path from brain to mouth very easily. In spite of this, we really love each other and have worked hard to make a good relationship. Lately, though, we've been having some problems and this is one problem area. I'm a stay-at-home Mom without a lot of social contacts. He is an engineer who likes his job, but I find the details of the job itself (the parts they make, etc.) kind of boring. Anyway, we need to find a way to stimulate more conversation between us, and not conversation about the kids (or the house, preferably). I'm looking for ideas. Thanks.

Oh, also, we've been married for nine years and dated for three before that, so we have kind of run out of personal history kinds of topics.




  1. Start with this one. Heck. He's an engineer. He ought to be able to take on a little thing like working with you to figure out what you two can talk about. They love problems to solve. Make this one of them. Of course, he'll analyze it to pieces, but you'll be talking. Or go people watching. Take turns making up stories about them. "What do you think about the guy in the plaid jacket? Is he really a doofus? Does his mother still dress him? Or is he a spy working undercover as a used car salesman?"  

  2. you need to get out more. once you do that, you'll have stuff to talk about.

    you can talk about things you want to do and actually do them


    concerts theater hiking white water rafting

    i know you have kids, but you dont have to do these things right away. you can book for a month ahead of time. that'll give you things to talk about until it happens and work up anticpation

  3. Take a tour of the facility he works at.  I used to think all that engineering c**p was boring too until I actually toured many factories.  It is actually intriging.

    Other than that, just rent p**n and watch it together.  Stop trying to talk and just have s*x all the time.

  4. Recommend that you read "The Five languages of love".  Communication is important, but there are other ways to stimulate "sparks" in relationship.

  5. If you are being treated good and well taken care of, then, quit with the piddly c**p and go on with a good book...

  6. I have been in similar situation.. you have to each go do stuff where you can talk about it. it is really tough with that.. you need some dysfunctional friends you can talk about.. you can join groups of moms... something you have to do... if you don't build your conversation with each other, someone will look else where and start intimate conversations with someone else..

  7. how about planning a vacation?

  8. Bring up a vacation idea.  Make it a historical vacation that will stimulate lots of conversations.  

  9. one of you have to downplay your role. first start with a topic of choice of one of you so that other person can be a passive listener. after few sessions you will come across the topics of common interest.see movies together. talk about common friends. take care

  10. Hobbies, TV shows, Politics, Hey just look at all the topicsher oin Yahoo Answers.

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