
Ways to stop depression?

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Is there anyways to stop depression, i started becoming depressed since i was about 13, now im almost 15. I seem to be getting more depressed every month, 3 months ago my best mate committed suicide and thats made it worse... and everyday im always thinking about doing it to myself, but its like a part of me wants to but apart of me doesnt want to. I dont want councilling or anything like that because i dont like talking to people about the way i feel, that just makes me feel worse. Is there any other ways to stop/lower my depression.




  1. If you want to stay outta anti-depressants try this,wich actually worked for me :

    Ca + Mg + folic acid + omega 3 + rodiola rosea

    YOU WILL BE STUNNED ,you will change it.

    believe me ,try that for 2 weeks than pm me and you will be 100% fine

  2. it's a bad situation for you right now, but I will tell you the truth about's a hard thing,  but at least you can live on for your friend and I hope you do...if you really try to find a solution for your will find  it!  Just know that your able to make yourseld happy....

  3. You're too young in my opinion to be doping up.

    I was in a worse state of depression and made it through without any kind of medication.

    Taking medication for depression for most mis-diaganosed people can lead to problems (Especially addiction)

    So before you give up and go to medications try the smart tips for fixing depression the natural way :

    1. Fish - Fish contains Omega - 3 (Which Yes I know, technically is contradicting what I just said) acids which can act as an anti depressant but are good for you naturally.

    2. Exercise - Any way / shape / or form, do it. Releasing those happy endorphins are the easiest way to start feeling better. It seems ironic because it's a pain in the *** to run or jog or do crunches but give it a try.

    3. Fix it on the inside - Only you can fix your depression, but you have to have the commitment to do it.

    80% of depressed people do it because they're actually looking for sympathy, and usually they don't get it and they stay depressed, because they want to stay depressed.

    You have to know that you've only got one life and it's not worth wasting over depression, get out there and enjoy your life.

  4. i understand how you feel, but trust me as soon as you talk to someone about it, youll feel much better. You need to understand that you have the right to feel the way that you do. There must be a reason as to why you are the way you are. and its not your fault things turned out that way for you. I wouldnt recommend talking to a friend about it, because often times people who are not depressed will not understand the way you feel and theyll give you wrong advice. I really encourage you to make an appointment with your doctor and i promise he/she will make the process very easy for you, and not embarassing at all.

  5. metaphorically speaking.

    Take up cycling.

    Boredom amplifies depression.


    this has helped me. it has done wonders.

    I have realized that medicine and everything else doesn't help as does the relationship with my father, jesus-christ!

    I beg you, please please please do not take your life. It is one sin that will not be forgiven.

    If you ever want, my MSN IM is or email is

    be blessed love. Jesus Loves You.

  7. You just put your finger on your own problem.  You don't want counseling because you don't like talking about it. The more you don't talk about it the worse it gets.  And so it goes.  A good therapist will help you talk about it in a way that helps you deal with it.  You keep avoiding the hard work and you'll keep feeling bad.

  8. Go and play more games, find more good friends and forget those problems.

  9. Actually, the more you hold it in, the worse it gets. It can be uncomfortable to talk about how you feel, but doing that relieves the depression. Doing that repeatedly will help you to change the depressive pattern. You also need to find something in which you are really interested or good at doing, and dedicate yourself to becoming the best you can be at that. It helps immensely to build your self esteem.

  10. I know you have said you don't want to talk about it, but it does help! Start off by writing a diary/journal or talking to yourself (just in your head, not out loud unless you want to). This should help you get over not wanting to talk, and you can later look back and see how much you have improved in your depression, and hopefully you will be able to talk, coz you do need to.

    Hope I've helped =) it worked for me

  11. put a smile on at mickey d's

  12. welbutrin works wonders, ask your doc about it. Try excercizing more, eating chocolate doing happy things to boost endorphins. There are a lot of resources you just have to be willing.  

  13. let it go


  14. Well, its tough when a friend commits suicide.  You often wonder whether or not you may have said something or maybe didnt say something to them and are hoping that you will turn around and theyll be there, their normal smiling selves again.

    It takes some time to get over a persons death, especially if you were really close to them, and it may be difficult in expressing how you feel to others when they are carrying on with their lives, however I suggest that you talk about your friends death with other friends whom you both had in common so that you can clear up any thoughts that you have on it.

    I dont think that your friend would want you to commit suicide, and more likely neither do your parents or family as it would hurt them deeply if you did so.  If you have any more thoughts along these lines then I suggest that you speak with your family about them.

  15. get an anti-depressant. Its Okay to take meds!! There is such a negative stigma about it, and i dont know whY!

    You dont have to take medication forever, just as a "band aid" to get through the tough times (puberty!!)

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