
Ways we interact with the government on a daily basis?

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what are three ways we interact with the government on a daily basis? for example, school is one




  1. Paying Taxes

  2. 1- Taxes

    2- National Health Service (or any other public healthcare system)

    3- Police and emergency services

    4- Social security benefits

    5- The Northern Rock in the UK/Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae in the US (although they haven't been nationalised yet, it looks increasingly likely).

    Hopefully that's enough examples for you.

  3. Every time you plug anything into an electrical outlet.  Government regulation is what keeps the electricity at 60Hz AC with 110V RMS voltage (assuming you're in the Americas somewhere) so your appliances work.

    When you use money for anything, the value of that money is solely due to the government's say so.  If it wasn't for the government, you'd just be holding pretty rectangular pictures of presidents/queens/wildlife and no one would accept them in exchange for anything that was worth anything.

    With few exceptions, the creation and maintaining of roads is a government function so if you drive/are driven to school, there ya go.  If you are bussed to school, providing those buses is usually a government function.

  4. Taxes, Taxes & Taxes.......LOL

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