
Wayy too much makeup?

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ok im going into 8th grade next year and i wanna wear a thin line of eyeliner on my top and bottom of my eye and several coats of mascara to make my eyelashes look bigger is that too much??




  1. sounds fine, just dont make the eyeliner line too thick!

  2. nope however id say no to the eyeliner on the bottom, it makes people's eyes look weird unless you do it right, which most people don't.

  3. I'd say it would be fine, it only looks like too much if you use really thick eyeliner.

  4. You can't wear to much mascara! Make those babies long and pretty!

  5. dont do too many coats of mascara just find a real good kind and u wont need too many coats im kinda liking the max that i have right now

    also it may just be my opinion but everyone saying not to put it on the bottom omg that gets on my nerves so bad it looks really stupid and makes u look more sleepy and "chinkeyed" sorry i mean no offense by that just lack of a better word. just my opinion it looks dumb

  6. No, sounds good to me. As long as you don't put really thick line of eyeliner.

  7. Nope. Sounds just about right. But occasionally go some days without wearing any makeup. It will make guys see that you're beautiful natural, as well.  

  8. Heck, no. That's hardly any, which is fine.

    May I make a suggestion? Don't put too much (if any) makeup on the bottom of your eye. It will make the circles under your eyes look bigger, and you'll look really tired.

    If you want to, you could wear some lip gloss too. Not to brightly colored, though, or it will look like too much.

  9. One coat of mascara will do it!  Any more than that and you'll have spider lashes ewwww.  You don't want to look like this:

    or this

    You're young so you don't need a lot of make up to distract from your natural beauty.  You just want to enhance what you already have.  Less is more.  If you're wearing eye make up you don't want to wear lipstick.  Just some gloss. Keep it clean and fresh!  Make up like this is good for you:

  10. Well first I would be sure that my parents approves of me wearing makeup but MK offers a great website in picking out shades and application, check out this website.

  11. Too much mascara, you'll get spider-leg lashes!
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