
Wbhy do i feel so... GUILTY about this? (fish related)?

by  |  earlier

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OK, so i have a 5g tank with one male betta named Pinhead... he has a cave, lots of fake plants, a heater and a small filter.... i also have a 10g equipd with again, a cave, lots of fake plants, a heater and a filter... i apparantly cant keep tropical cmunities alive so i decided to get another beta. i switched the gravel to black and the cave to a smal flower pot (the old one wasnt big enough for a betta) and now that its all up and running i fell so guilty about giving my new fish a 10g and Pinhead in a 5g=[ whay do i feel this way? and how do i stop feeling so guilty? also, has ANTONE ever felt this way? or am i just a total sphycopath? TY!




  1. It's obvious.  You're a fair person and here you are playing favorites with your fish!  What has Pinhead done to deserve lesser treatment than your new fish?  Nothing!  If anything he should have the better quarters because he has seniority, right?  Right!  Life may not be fair, but if you were in charge you'd do your best to make it fair, wouldn't you? And here you are in charge and you're not being fair!  So you feel guilty.  Even if they are just fish and don't know any better.  

    There's only one thing you can do.  You'll have to get a divider for your 10 gallon tank and get another betta so that everyone will have 5 gallons and everyone will be equal!  It's the only way to keep everything fair.   (Besides, it gets you another fish.  ;)  :p

  2. Well, I have a Betta in a half gallon tank with some gravel and a lighthouse with a few hiding holes in in, and a Java fern.  In my other 1and a half gallon tank with an over head light I put one small neon tetra, a snail, and an African Dwarf frog.  I think that the betta is prettier, but it feels less significant than the tetra in its big tank with its other tank mates and I feel guilty about that.  So you know what i did? I added a little male guppy fry (which Bettas are not known to attack at all) and a snail to my little half gallon Betta tank.  now they fell balanced, and i pay more attention to both now!!!! i hope you found this information useful, and I'd be happy to answer any other of your questions.

  3. I completely understand.  It's like you're betraying the darn fish, right?   Look, you've given him a great space, 5 gallons, and taken great care of him.  He's happy.  Stop worrying.  At least you're not putting him in those small torture chambers!  


    We won't tell him about the new fish!  ;)

  4. You could be a psychopath but usually Betta's don't bring it out of ya.


    My suggestion is to go Buy a Tank Divider for a 10 Gallon Tank.  This way your new Betta and Pinhead can both be in the big tank share with a Divider in between...holes in the divider will allow the water to run continious throught the tank.

    Or you could switch em...and give PinHead the Mansion while the new Betta gets the shack.

    Best of Luck!

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