
Wdo you vote?

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I did, but will not again

the day the electoral college is abolished is when I'll vote again

oh yea, and I have every right to complain




  1. If you understood the electoral college you would change your mind.

    As far as  voting goes I'll be voting third party unless a miracle happens in the republican party.

  2. The electoral college is a VERY FRUSTRATING process...however that applies only in the Presidential election (thankfully). Please, for the sake of those who cannot vote in 3rd world dictatorship countries, do keep voting, and fight for changing the EC time, maybe not in my lifetime (I'm 54), it can be changed!

  3. Sorry, if you don't vote you don't get to complain. If you don't like the way things are done, work to change them. Yes, votes count, and that's where the electoral college votes come from. Many Congressmen/women would like to abolish the electoral college. Why don't you find out who they are and work with them? And if you don't like the current crop of candidates, find a better one and get started. Or start locally and run yourself.

  4. I can't remember who said, "Oh I never vote - it only encourages them."

    I do vote.  If I could find someone who would abolish the electoral college, then I'd vote for them.  And  as someone from Chicago suggested, I'd be willing to vote early and often for that!

    Also, I'm sort of with the "if you don't plan to fix it, shut up and cope" point of view.  You clearly care, or you wouldn't have been so adamant in your statements.  Use your passions for the candidate who best fits you, or get out and become that candidate!    The "No Electoral College" Platform!

  5. I ALWAYS vote. I live in a "red state" and my candidates generally lose, but I still go out and vote. Maybe if more people like you would go with me, we could make a difference! Please let your voice be heard!

    I always try to take a car full of people with me to the polls - no matter what their party affiliation (ok, they are usually dems like me). Try doing this! It will empower you! :)

    Good luck and don't give up!!!

  6. When we talk about democracy. We should know that democracy does not mean to a particular party who has the strongest position. It is the government of the people, for the people and by the people. Having different parties and different ideas just complicates the issue. So even If we vote it makes no difference. We want a government who can serve the people better and not rule the country. So I don't feel voting is necessary. It is just a rubbish idea. But when the need arises the decision has to be taken by the public as to whom they should give an opportunity because it counts and really makes a difference.

  7. People say we have to vote for the purpose of democracy but that is rubbish, as if my one vote is going to make a difference!  It is all a load of rubbish anyway - they are all as bad as each other!

    just as we have the right to vote, we also have the right to Not vote!

    I wish we had the choice as in "Brewsters Millions" to vote "none of the above" - that would get my vote everytime.   Meanwhile the apathy part gets the vote - who cares!

  8. Yes you have every right to complain but not to  exercise your right to vote / franchise is to accepting defeat.

    If the right to vote is abolished your right to complain will also vanish. SO THINK AGAIN.

  9. I hope you don't vote.  I prefer to know that voters are literate.

    What language is "Wdo"?

  10. i urge you to re join the process.just because bush stole the election you must not lose faith in the system .and sorry , if you don't vote you got no right to complain . i believe the dems and repubs are both corrupt , the good news is there are many other qualified candidates out there .

  11. I don't vote Republican, or Democratic, there needs to be a specific balance, both parties are evil, and the Electoral college is even worse, more people need to vote, and there are talks in washington that the electoral college will be abolished, or reformed soon, I sure hope so!!!!!!!!
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