
We're any animals harmed in the making of the movie "No Telling" of 1991?

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I saw the movie No telling and it really disturbed me and I was just wondering because they make it look so realistic, were any animals harmed in the making of that movie? Especially the dog at the ending part...




  1. no it says right in the credits

    "no animals were harmed during the making of this film"

  2. Bearing in mind the film seems to be against exploiting animals, I very much doubt they would have mistreated any animals while making it! In addition, another poster has said it has the "no animals were harmed etc" thing at the end and this cannot be stated unless certified by the American Humane Association. Here is an interesting video to watch on Youtube which explains what they do:

    The Humane Association have really strict rules about animal safety on set and it tends to be well publicised when film makers don't adhere to them. Here is a list of films in which animals were seriously harmed on set and it's not there:

    Of course, having said that, there is controvesy about whether these rules are actually good enough. See the wikipedia article for details:

    Hope that helps!

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