
We're getting close?

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If I've been following any player this off season it's been Malone. I mean I've known Malone's name my whole entire life. My dad was a huge fan of his dad and my dad has been talking about Ryan since I was born and Ryan was little.

Now it looks as if he's gone.....and it could be any day now according to TSN!

So, I hate predicting but I'm going to anyways (I'm also terribly sorry I keep talking about this....I swear I'll shut up when it's over with!) Do you think this trade will go through?

And also........(I'm not trying to take anything away from Malone either) Do you think if he leaves and is playing on another line he'll be just as good? Do you think all of his success could be coming from playing on a line with Evgeni Malkin?




  1. The Penguins have built up this entire team (with the exception of Sykora and Hossa and Gonchar) on draft picks and prudent contracts.  Malone is going to have to go because the Penguins need to keep their franchise goalie Fluery and their second best/ the best offense player they have in Malkin.  Every team must go through this kind of sacrifice.  The only way Malone will stick around is if he takes a pay cut.

    I am sure the Penguins will have success with whomever and if not, they will bring someone in.  The Penguins management is one of the best around.

  2. This is gonna kill me... but. Let Malone walk. We need to keep Fleury and Hossa. Hossa was a bigger key to our Playoff success than Malone was. If this trade goes through... it happens. That is what happens with the Salary Cap. Great teams always have to lose one or two key players to stay under the cap.

    We will get a 2nd round draft pick for a guy that isn't under contract, not bad. We are losing a key player, but rather him than Fleury, Hossa, or Malkin.

  3. =( all of your topics about Malone make me so sad... lol & i REALLY didn't think this topic would be about Ryan.

    Well, I hope this trade doesn't go through... Malone has proved he wants to be a part of the team and he's opened up all of our eyes to show us that he can score amazing goals..

    I believe, with anybody, that you can blossom as a player with the right line. & that just so happened to be with Malone & Malkin on the same line. If you mesh well as players, and you learn how eachother plays the game - you can read eachother better and be able to score more goals..

  4. He will be gone soon. He wants money and the Pens need to resign their player so they wont be able to keep him. I think Malkin helped him but he will be good and maybe not as good with the Columbus team because they dont have a team that is as good as the Pens. Malone wants money that the Pens dont have so he will be gone. He will be good just not as good as he was Pittsburgh.

  5. hes a gonner :(

    Yes he is what he is thanks to malkin

    my cousins boyfriend always says he has no transition game and is terrible in the neutral zone, his main thing was stanging infront of the net and the pens can find another big guy to do that for way less money

  6. I dont understand the hate for Malkin. Yeah he got tired by thr end, but he's a KID after all! Personally speaking I would always step my game up when I was playing with good players or against good players. And I think that's how it works with most people, so a lot of the success has to be attributed to playing on a good line in my opinion. Will it happen, probably... Pittsburg can't afford to keep all those players...

  7. I still can't picture Malone in that jersey!

    Im anxious to see what will happen.

    Im not sure if Malone will play he did in Pittsburgh, with another team.

  8. no his success came off of hard work, malkin sucks, he's a floater he reminds me of Federov, only plays when he feels like it

  9. Yep....Frankinstien is gonna be a Blue Jacket soon.

    I think he is a great player no matter who's line he is on...No doubt he is not a superstar but proved he can hold his own and be part of a superstar line.

  10. yeah Malkin does not suck!!!! sure he didnt play like himself or really any one in the finals and he got nervous (not making an excuse) I love Malkin and i dont want to lose him because i still miss Colby and EC (Erik Christensen) i dont know how to spell his last name but whatever. if ryan is gone too then i will be crushed because i love him!!!! cmon Malone stay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. I think he is a good player but 5 million may be a lot for him.  Many players work well in one system and not so well when the go elsewhere.

    I think of martin lapointe who was a great player in Detroit but could never duplicate it in Boston after signing the big contract.  Why does this happen, in Detroit he was not getting the checking attention he got playing on the top line in Boston.

    Will Malone thrive when he is the center of checking attention.  He played on a top line in Pittsburgh but I'm sure malkin drew more coverage.  Interested to see what happens  as he moves on especially if it is Columbus who do not have a pile of talent.  he will get checking attention there.

    I think he will do well but 5 million is a lot.

  12. If Malone is looking for 5.5 a year then the Pens are smart for getting a 2nd or 3rd rounder for him considering something for a player you are going to lose anyway is better than nothing.  I just don't think the Pens should pay that much for Malone.

  13. Bad deal for Columbus. Who will Malone score his goals against, now that he won't face the Islanders 6-8 times a year?  Decent player, but not worth 4.5 million a year.

  14. I think Malone is good dont get me wrong but yes I do think some of his success has come from playing on a line with Malkin. Yes, I do think Malone will definately be leaving. He never seemed like one wanting to stay in Pittsburgh as some do.

  15. Yeah, he's prolly gone. but $5 million? that seems like a lot.

  16. I can't argue with what's been said. But as Kipper said tonight when asked the same question. Why would Malone limit himself to Columbus when in a weak free agent season he can get more by going to the highest bidder or to where he wants. Why Columbus??

    Edit Wednesday morning Glad to see reason prevails.

  17. Malone will be a quality player where ever he ends up.  I think Pittsburg is dumb for letting him go.  I was hoping kind of hoping that Pitt wouldn't sign him and he would end up with the Wild.  He has a house up here in MN so it wouldn't be a long shot.

  18. i think the deal will get done, and it will put columbus into the playoffs next year. its a good move by columbus.

  19. As I predicted on Lity's question this morning, Malone and Orpik are headed to Columbus.  

    I know it sucks when your most beloved players get traded, but just consider it a lesson to not get too attached, next time.  I think Malone will still have success.  He is a good player, and I am sure he would be an asset to the Blue Jackets.  Just consider it as a reason to like another team...other than the Pens.
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