
We're going down.....Which way should we go?

by  |  earlier

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Let's say that your on this cruise.... miles and miles and many more miles away from land, and then all of the sudden, you get the word that the ships about to go down.... You are given 2 options.... Jump ship in a ~FOOD~ lifeboat, or a ~FLARES~ lifeboat.... Where would you rather be when its time to go?




  1. Food lifeboat. Flares help, but people would be looking for me. Flares would only really help at night. Though it doesn't really matter because if a cruise ship went down it would be reported and all lifeboats would be collected.

  2. All life boats have both.  But, upon consideration, I think that I would rather be found than fed.  So I would go with the flare.  They can be seen 24 hours a day and for many miles.  so your chances of pick up would be better.

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