
We're going on vacation...have a cat...?

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Me and my family are going on vacation for 4 days soon and I was wondering what the best option would be for my cat. We can't take her with us and I don't think a pet hotel/kennel would really work either. How can we make this easiest on her? I've heard that turning on the radio helps but that's pretty much all I know.


[PS. She's a 1 & 1/2 year old, Maine Coon mix]




  1. have a friend, neighbor or family member who is reliable come over once or twice a day to feed your cat, give her fresh water, clean the litter box and play with her.  if you can't have someone like that come over or you don't trust that they will take care of her call a petsitter.

    A cat should never be left more than 24 hrs with out anyone coming to check on them and that 24 hr is still kind of much.

  2. Have a friend or neighbor come over twice a day (even once a day would be OK) to feed her, give her fresh water, clean her litter box, and pet and play with her.  You might want to leave a radio playing softly for her too.

  3. just give it enough food and water to last four days and if you need to have someone come and change the litter box you can but even if it is full they will still go in it and have something in the house that makes noise it doesnt get lonely

  4. I went on a 3 day vacation recently and just left my cats alone. I put out plenty of food and water and left the door open to where their litter box is. My cats did just fine. They're pretty lazy and independent anyway. I wouldn't worry about it. Just make sure you the litter box is available, plenty of food, and plenty of water.

    I wouldn't take them to a kennel or anything. For mine, it would stress them out too much.  

  5. Ask a trusted friend or a neighbor to come in and check on her a couple of times during your leave.  Some human contact would definitely help her.

  6. I wouldn't leave her alone for that long, with that said I would say 4 days is to long to leave without her litter box cleaned.  My cat would most definitely make a mess after 2 days probably.  Maybe leave multiple cat boxes out if you must do this.  

  7. I went on vacation for 3 weeks and left my cat home alone and she was fine. She just missed us. Leave her home. she'll be fine. leave her lots of food and water and leave some toys out. maybe even put multiple cat boxes that are disposable.  

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