
We're going to lose our minds soon! Help!...?

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My husband and I had our first together, a boy, on May 24. He is the colic king and the two of us haven't slept or sat down and spent time together at all since we brought him home. We've tried several things to keep him from crying, but they're really of no help :( The doctor said it would pass in a few months, but when you literally haven't slept in almost 2, that seems like forever!

My husband took him to his parents house for the afternoon so I figured I would ask and see if anyone had any experience or ideas to help us. Any advice would be of big help!




  1. Have you tried the Mylicon gas drops?  Those might help him out.  Also, gently push his legs and feet up towards his belly when he's laying on his back to help him push out some of the gas.

  2. My first was like that. It is super frustrating having a baby with colic. It will only be a couple more months though so don't work into it so much. There is light at the end of the tunnel lol.

  3. my little girl was colicky..but not really bad.

    i just carried her around on my shoulder for hours..... the rythym just sent her to sleep.

    or i put her in my baby carrier and went for an hour soon as i got into the fresh air...she stopped crying!!

    you really need to just try everything..seriously! and i know its annoying when they say it will pass...but it will!!

    Good luck and god bless  xxxxx

  4. my daughter who 11 monthz old now. was colicky when we brought her home also. theres pretty much nothing u can do.  i've tried gas drops didnt work tylenol nope didnt work. then i realized nothing will work. so all u can do is wait until they grow alittle bit. my baby grew outta of it when she was 8 months old. what did work for us a little was a baby swing she slept in that durning the dayz nights she slept in her carseat i guess cuz they feel like their being hugged so they feel secure.  the crying is normal. my baby cried all day and night it will get better stay strong thats all u can do.

  5. Are you formula feeding or breast feeding? If you are using formula... he may be having a problem with the brand (maybe try a soy based). If you are nursing... try playing with your diet a little bit.

    If you have a lot of lights in your house... keep them lowered. He may not like bright lights, it often wil set a little baby off.

    You can try things like the washer, a ride in the car. Don't be afraid to let grammy keep him a night.

  6. i know this will not help but it will pass my daugher did this for about 8 months i know what ur going though i tried just rocking her in the pram while i slept on the sofa ,this worked somtimes i gave her a dummy which was ok if she didnt spit it out! i gave her gripe water which helped a little ! i gave in most nights and put her in our bed (any thing for some shuteye) try to nap though the day if he goes to sleep or even better ask for help off the grandparnets see if they could hav him 4 just one night to give u both a break

  7. Do you swaddle him? I found that to really help with our son. I thought he wanted to be free and loose but once I swaddled him real tight, he calmed down. Is he gassy? Try the gas drops (Mylicon?) in his bottle in the afternoon...

    I'm so sorry and I know you have heard this 1000 times, but this will pass and you will barely remember it...hard to believe but are the mom and if you feel it's something else besides just complaining and the pediatrician. They deal with babies all day and night and sometimes when you think they have no advice, they come up with brilliance. It took me a long time to realize that. Call them with any concerns. But if it's just colic, I think you just have to sweat it out. Maybe pick up a book on it? Who better to know how to help then other people who have gone through it...good luck!

  8. Tips on soothing your baby

    Feed your baby in an upright position.

    Burp your baby often.

    If you are breastfeeding, try making small changes in your own diet. Try to limit spicy foods, citrus fruits or caffeine.

    Rock your baby in a rocking chair or cradle.

    Put your baby in a wind-up swing (make sure your baby can support his or her head).

    Give your baby a warm bath.

    Give your baby a pacifier.

    Gently rub your baby's stomach.

    Wrap or swaddle your baby in a soft blanket.

    Put your baby in a stroller and go for a walk.

    Go for a drive with your baby in the car seat.

    Also there are tummy drops that help relieve gas build up in the babies stomach. I can't recall what the name is, but they helped my little cousin when he was having problems. You can prolly find them in most stores... target, walmart... etc... good luck and I hope these help!

    and you can even try feeding him a warm bottle of water, that is supposed to help break up the bubbles.

  9. yep life just downt get much easier- tryand cat nap when u can and put the mundane chores on hold.

    take him out in a stroller for a walk that is inclined - not flat on back whilst the other gets a nap!

    yep got a 3 year old and finally am sleepign through the night!!!!

  10. there are already a lot of good suggestions on here, so I'll just add the ones I haven't seen yet:

    if you're nursing (breastfeeding) ,  you may have to give up cow's milk in your diet for a while. That's what I had to do. As soon as I did, within 24 hours my  baby was happy.  (soured milk products like yogurt were okay.)

    if youre feeding the baby formula, you may have to switch to another type. Soy-based is only one kind; there are others.

    my husband was better at burping our daughter than me. he is SO warm , all the time; he'd lay her (upright) on his chest & rock in a chair with her, & pretty soon she burped.  She didn't burtp well for me; I guess I wasn't radiating enough heat to get those bubbles to  go up & out.

    Before the next feeding, try giving your child a small bottle of warm water with a little chamomile tea or mint tea.   That usually eases gas.

    & don't be afraid or embarrassed to ask someone to take care of your baby while you sleep !

    you have our sympathy !!!

  11. Unfortunately, your doctor is right, There's not a lot you can do about a baby with colics. My husband and I were in the same situation though 20 years ago. By the way, our daughter was also born on May 24 (maybe it's this date. Jk). What helped a little bit was putting her in a swing. We also tried rubbing her belly and giving her lots of warm baths, but it did not help. I can totally understand that "growing out of it" is not the answer your were looking for. The most important thing is, however, that you and your husband stick together which is extremely hard in this situation, I know. Maybe you can put your son in  a stroller and take him for a walk. The change of scenery, wind blowing, cars driving by, dogs walking etc. may help him to focus on something else besides his pain. Sometimes, we took her for a car ride, but she started screaming again as soon as the ride was over.

    Perhaps you can ask your parents, friends, etc. if they'd be nice enough to watch your little man for a few hours or even a weekend. This will give you guys some much needed rest. The best of luck!

  12. Well it looks like he was sleeping quietly in the picture ;) very cute.

    My son was colic and you need to just keep trying different things and see what works. For my son it was sitting on stop of the wash machine in his seat, being held with his back against my chest and me rubbing the center of his chest. They say colicky babies have gas trapped so being rubbed and being vilbrated I guess helped. Then at around 5ms, it passed and he was fine...but for those 5ms, I was SO TIRED! And I had 2 other babies!

    I would also look into hiring help to come maybe an hour or two a day to either do some chores around the house or take the baby out of your hands. That way you have some extra time to sleep.

    Good luck and congrats!

  13. The only thing we found that would work for our colic queen was to put her strapped in her swing in front of the big wall vent and to keep it going all night and to keep the vent making noise all night. (we went though a ton of batteries, lol) other than that, dont know what to tell you to try. Hope this helps!

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