
We're having a problem with my son's new cat...?

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She likes to come in my room and urinate on the bed. I know she uses the cat box every other time, because I see her use it. I CANNOT have a cat peeing on my bed, but I really don't want to get rid of her. What can I do?




  1. she doing that to cover up your scent to show dominates. show her whos boss!

  2. the reason she pees on your bed not the cat litter is because she thinks your bed is more comfy, try to buy softer nicer cat litter.

    if you still have problems then maby you will*as a last resort*buy a little cat repelent and put in your room.

    if that dosnt work CLOSE THE DOOR 0.O

  3. I can understand your frustration as I have just gone through this with my cat - not new but has been with me 15 years. There are several possible causes and can require the investigative skills of Sherlock Holmes and a degree in cat psychology to discover the cause.

    Medical issues, such as urinary tract infection, etc, are a frequent cause and should be ruled out first but if she sometimes uses the litter tray then is less likely. Some cats are also very fussy when it comes to litter trays - cleanliness, positioning, number of trays, etc

    Stress will make a cat urinate on bedding. She associates the bed with the owner (good thing), the smell of her urine is comforting to her (good for her, not for humans) so she adds it to the bed to make it feel even safer.

    Why is she stressed? Refer to previous comment about psychology - but likely being in a new home may be enough. How old is she and how long have you had her? Are there other animals in the home? Has anything changed in the home? etc. etc. etc.

    Solution if stress related - a multi-pronged approach is called for, meaning lots of work (but better than washing bedding all the time) Keep the bedroom door closed while following all or some of the following (depending on the amount of time you have and your degree of motivation)

    Have at least two litter trays and keep them clean

    Spray either catnip or Feliway near the litter trays or use a feliway plug-in

    Clean litter trays regularly with a weak 1:32 solution of bleach:water

    Give lots of attention and reassurance - whatever works for her, play games, etc. (This turned out to be what my cat needed)

  4. My sister has the same problem with one of her cats.  She covers her bed with a vinyl tablecloth, which the cat avoids rather nicely.

    I'd still check with a vet though to rule out medical issues.

  5. When my kitten was urinating on the floor we did a few things that helped us get him to use his litter box all the time.

    1. If you see the cat in action either make a loud noise (like clapping you hands and yelling NO!) or spray the cat on its back or butt with a squirt bottle of water.

    2. After making it clean that the cat is not suppose to use the bathroom in that spot, carry the cat to its litter box and place it in the litter box.

    3. After the act we would wash the spot thoroughly. If it is carpet then you need to get special stuff to really get the smell of urine out! We found that fabrics washed in bleach (if whites) were clean. If you don't get the smell out the cat is more likely to continue using that spot for a bathroom!

    4. Praise the cat when it uses the litter box instead of your bed. We used treats (broken into smaller pieces and that were actually meant to boost his immune system!) to encourage him to use the the litter box. After he got to the point were he was always using the litter box we slowly weaned him off treats (using praise and belly scratches instead half the time) until he didn't expect treats anymore, just attention!

    Good Luck!

  6. She is marking her territory, it happen when they get jealous too, she will stop though. Close the bedroom door for now. My cat has never done that, but I've seen other female and male cats doing that.  

  7. She's marking her territory and saying that it's her bed, and she's covering your scent. She still loves you, but don't let her in your room anymore. We had that problem with one of my cats.

    Answer Mine?:;...

  8. Don't let her in your room. Lock her out. Unfortunately, that's pretty much the only thing you can do. She's marking you as her territory because she loves you. Also, try getting her spayed. That may help.

  9. Changes in cats behavior is a sign of health issues more often then not. My kitty started peeing in the shower or the tub when I was around to tell me she was sick.. it was nice of her to use them and not my bed, but again, take her for a test.. GOOD LUCK

  10. First you want to make sure she doesn't have a bladder infection. My cat did the same thing, a trip to the veterinarian and antibiotics cleared it up.

    If it is behavioral, catch her doing it the act. Spray her with a water gun.

    Can you keep your bedroom door closed?

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