
We're having a service auction at my church and I can't think of anything to auction off that I can do?!

by  |  earlier

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I know of the basics, babysitting, housework, etc. I'm trying to go for something out of the box and unique :) Any ideas?! I've got just a week to figure it out...! HELP!




  1. Offer to plan a party (kid's birthday, baby shower, ladies night) You make all the reservations, party favors and make sure that things flow.  If you have baking and cooking skills, you can cook for the occasion.

    Pedicure/Manicure-If you can tolerate feet.  A lot of people can't.

    Offer to organize someone's photos, cabinets or other spring cleaning project no one likes doing.

    Painting projects or minor repairs around someone's house.

  2. The above posters gave great ideas!  Another idea is to be  a personal assistant - shopping, running errands, planning meals, etc.

    Cooking - the receiver could pay for the groceries and you could plan a week of meals, shop for the food, and do the cooking.

    Yard sale organizer - many people have a lot of stuff but they don't have the motivation or time to bother with sorting it, pricing it, and holding a yard sale

  3. A pie a month for 3 months,  or 2 dozen cookies a month for so long.  I know we have done Dinner for 4,  a french dinner or italian at our house.  That goes over really well.

    I would think the baking idea would be good too.  What kind of things do you lik eto do?  Gardening? Flower arrangements .. there are lots of ideas out there.

    Good luck and God Bless.  Bonnie

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