
We're in a new (to us) house in CA and have an ant problem...they first appeared in bathrooms

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Last night I set a pizza down on the counter for a few hours and when I got back to it it looked like an antbed...

We have a small dog in the house, I've put down the small ant traps that are supposed to let ants carry poison back to the colony...but surely there's a real fix to this issue.




  1. Besides the ant baits you can also buy some Borax it's in the detergent isle in your grocery store.  Take a paper towel place it on the floor put a pile of Borax on it and sprinkle a little sugar around it the ants will be attracted to the sugar and grab the Borax and take it back to the nest also.

  2. I have this problem at my house in GA. They might be sugar ants... that's what mine are, and will first go for the sugary items, then anything else they can get there hands on. Get some good quality clear food storage containers so you don't have open boxes or bags (like chips, cereal, bread, etc.). The little ant baits you put out do help, but you have to let the trail of ants go to and from the bait for a day or so; you can't kill them or else it won't get back to the nest. Also, they have spray you can use around the perimeter of your house (I would suggest the outdoor kind since you have an animal). And lastly, I've heard that drawing with a piece of chalk around windows and doors deter some kinds of ants because they don't like the smell and won't cross the chalk line. Good luck, this is a very annoying problem.

  3. seal all cracks in your house and the foundation.  keep the house cleaner till the ants are gone.

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