
We're learning karate in P.E. next year. Are there any online videos I can watch to learn basic moves?

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We're learning karate in P.E. next year. Are there any online videos I can watch to learn basic moves?





    you can get much information in this website, kindly stay a minute in website and check anyone link at a time

  2. School is designed to teach you things, this is no exception. they will teach you all you need to know, don't worry about it. If you do want to learn a few moves beforehand, learning from videos off the internet is a big NONO. For two reasons: 1) Although they could say they are a black belt or something, they really could just be random people who don't know c**p about martial arts, borrowing their friend belt and making a video as a joke. 2) You could easily hurt yourself without supervision and knowledge about martial arts. Or you could start getting into a bad habit of doing soemthing wrong. I suggest taking a couple classes from a local dojo or asking a friend who's in karate already ^_^

  3. Do not try to learn karate from video's (you can try the basic stances and simple stuff though) never try to learn a kick from a video you might seriously hurt yourself.

  4. you can watch on expervillage there you can search for any sport that you need and learn some basic tings. That's where i learned some basic kickboxing, taekwando and lots more  before i joined clubs.

  5. youtube has many sample videos

    just type in Karate or Kempo or Tae Kwon Do

  6. When I was in 7th grade we did karate for one week (we were scheduled to do it for a month). The instructor realized that most of us, going to martial arts classes at the time, knew more than he did. I still often wonder if he wasn't watching old Sonny Chiba movies and going off those.

    Anyhow, tons of different styles of karate. Here's one. Since this is PE related, I won't lecture you on the stupidity of trying to train in a martial art based on videos, and you won't be foolish enough to think, "Wow, know I can beat everybody up" because you're smarter than that.

    Be careful, don't hurt anybody or yourself, and have fun storming the castle.

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