
We're moving our trailer out to our land in Tyler, Texas...price of running city water about 2,000 feet?? HELP

by  |  earlier

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We currently own 5 acres in Tyler, Texas, right outside of Whitehouse. We temporarily moving a mobile home until we start to build. We have the electrical taken care of, as well as the septic system, but I absolulely CANNOT find any information on pricing for running city water out on our property from a main pipe that's about 2,000 feet away. Can anyone help?????




  1. Get someone out there with a trencher or a backhoe, make a trench and lay the pipe your self. You local Home Depot, Lowe's or Hardware store can let you know the price of pipe and fittings.  The water company is going to put the meter at the edge of the property line anyway.

    One thing... From you house/trailer location to the water main ... Is it all your property, or do you have a utility easement?

    In my area we were allowed to use 3/4 Inch PVC pipe. Cheap and easy to run. Just make sure you listen to the Hardware man's description and use the Primer and the Glue. Rotate each fitting at least 90 degrees while gluing and before you bury the pipe, pressure test it for at least 24 hours to make sure there are no leaks. It is easy to fix before burying, very hard to fix after.

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