
We're only Wales Jean Baptiste! Cymru am <span title="byth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">byth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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We're only Wales Jean Baptiste! Cymru am byth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...




  1. what do those French idiots know.  well done Wales they deserved to win and played the best rugby throughout the tournament.  You can now officially be named as the 2nd best side in the UK.

  2. Like England the bigger and more arrogant they are - the harder they fall!


  3. YES!!!!!

  4. Congratulations from a ( sad ) Frenchman ...

    But I&#039;m sorry to see that some winners are as arrogant as they think JB was, ( as if we were in football...)  for example no need to call us &quot;idiots&quot; ( Stephen M ) you don&#039;t need to insult the others to enjoy your victory, do you ? Of course Jean-Baptiste Elissalde should&#039;nt maybe have said that, he was a little bit arrogant-like many others people, not only the French ! Yet I undertand you didn&#039;t like his words.

    So enjoy your victory and see you next year !

  5. Yeah...................wonder what the muppet is saying tonight??????

    Fecking melt!

    Well said Austerlitz. There is arrogance everywhere!

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