
We're the n***s really mean or bad to the Dutch people? Does Holland still resent Germany??

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We're the n***s really mean or bad to the Dutch people? Does Holland still resent Germany??




  1. Does bombing Rotterdam count?  Or the occupation of their country?  How about all the people who disappeared who were "in the resistance"?  Remember Ann Frank?  That was Holland.

  2. Anyone who needs to ask a question like this has a serious deficiency of historical knowledge.

    No nation infested and infected by the n**i regime has negative feelings for Germany now.  Most, if not all, of the people involved with Hitler's n**i Party, as well as most of the German people, are dead.  The US has friendly relations with Japan now in spite of WWII.

  3. The n***s were horrible to the Dutch.  The n***s just waltzed in and overran the Netherlands.  Dutch men and women who wouldn't buckle under were quickly shipped off to concentration camps or shot to death or hung.  And then there were all the Dutch Jews.  You can imagine what happened to them under n**i rule.  To the other side, there was a strong Dutch resistance movement well known for the bravery of the men and women who put their lives on the line to save their country and to rescue Jews and send them to safety.

    I think the bitterness between the Netherlands and Germany has long since come to an end.  That was then, this is now.

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