
We're thinking of having IVF in Holland. Can anyone recommend a Clinic or has anyone any advice?

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We are going to be moving to Germany soon and live close to the Dutch border. We're a little unsure of how to progress IVF treatment abroad and have been doing a little general research into IVF treatment and Clinics in Holland although we are unsure of where to go whether they have a history of treating people from the UK and where to go for reliable independent information. It would be fantastic if anyone could help provide us with some guidance! Looking forward to your reply. Thanks




  1. hiya just wanted to say i always go to they are really helpful there and think someone might know or have an idea.

    best of luck xx

  2. Why don't you try and contact the HFEA (Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority). They regulate the clinics in the UK and am sure wil be able to put which their affiliates in Holland. Good luck with the move and IVF. Baby dust to you and me. Please see contact details below.

    Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority

    21 Bloomsbury Street


    WC1B 3HF

    Tel: 020 7291 8200

    Fax: 020 7291 8201


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