DD is 14 months old. I'm trying to get her to three and a half nursings per day--when she wakes up; at dinner; before bed; and five minutes per side on weekends before her nap. She's at daycare during the week and naps fine without nursing, but she's addicted to the breast when she's anywhere near mine! She often wakes up in the night and looks to nurse to go back to sleep. I've had better luck keeping her occupied and her mind off nursing during the day. We tried (at many Y!Answerers' suggestions) to let her cry it out and she'll eventually tire and go back to sleep. Well, last night she awoke at 2 am. After a little while, DH went up to check on her and try to help her go back down. It seemed to work, until he got back downstairs. She proceeded to cry and scream all night. I'm not sure she ever went back to sleep--we turned the monitor off, and I dozed in and out of sleep. When I was awake, she was screaming. By 6:40 (normal wake up time) I went upstairs--she was fussing. She nursed and was ready to start the day. She has 1 two-hour nap per day so I know she's not getting too much sleep. But she I worry she won't sleep at all unless she nurses? Some nights she does sleep through; some nights she wakes up and insists on nursing before she goes back to sleep. Last night, no boob, no sleep. Thoughts?