
We've Only Been Married 2 Months?

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I've been married for 2 months and everything has changed since we got married.

1. He's not as romantic or Flirty-

2. He doesnt look @ me as if he adores me anymore

3. We don't play or have s*x as much

I just don't understand why all of the sudden he has changed. Any Advice? Do you think he is not attracted to me anymore?? Is there someone else??? HELP




  1. he might be stressed out about stuff. being newly married is hard because its not just "i" anymore its now "we" so he might be worried about money or having to support you now or any number of things. so you just need to talk to him. there's a reason you got married in the first place so focus on that.


    He is SICK OF you!

    Get over it and STOP ASKING!

  3. women relax he love you

  4. He got the trophy, now he thinks he doesn't have to sweat for it anymore.

  5. Have you asked him?

    Maybe you should plan something special for the two of you. The mood can be a bit flat after al the excitement of the wedding. perhaps a weekend or even just a night away somewhere nice?!

    Try not to worry too much. Guys hates it when you are saying "whats wrong?" all the time. Give him a bit of space, im sure it will get better.

    Good luck

  6. I went through the same thing, we were together 2 years before we got married but were living together the whole time we got comfortable with each other and we both stopped doing things we used to, he loves you it's just you've both got what you want and you don't have to do as much anymore we went from having s*x like 3 or 4 times a week now i'm lucky if we have it 1 time a week, but it's more when everythings going smoothly, if he's stressed about something, it's once but if not it's a couple times a week, i'll admit i don't get as much affection as I used to, but it doesn't mean he's cheating on you or anything it's just that, the reality has kicked in that he really has to buckle down and take care of you and keep things in order, so right now his mind is more occupied to keeping things right for you, just sit him down and talk to him and tell him how you feel, that always works for us.

  7. How long have you known him for before marring him?  It sure wasn't long enough to really know him, Well you married for better or worse.  Now you need to sit down with him and have a great.  This is the time to let him know just how you feel and once you told him you need to listen to him as well.

  8. Accept that you probably just married the wrong man, and get an annulment.

  9. I think you should talk to him and tell him what's going wrong if your doing something that's bugging him just talk to him and tell him what you feel.

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