
We've been potty training for 6 months now and my 3 year old STILL won't do #1 or #2 in the potty!?

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She goes to preschool in the weekdays and I'm told she'll sit on the potty and wait, but she prefers to do a poo while standing up. Same thing on the weekends. The poo just stops when I get her to sit on the potty. BUT she'll continue when she stands up again. Weird?




  1. Throw a couple of Cheerios in the toilet and ask her if she can sink them when she goes poo.   Works very well training little boys to pee in the toilet while using Cheerios as the target.

  2. Comfort position? Try different potty seats and a stool to help her get the support she needs. Maybe she is uncomfortable on the big potty. Stools seem to help a lot gives them something to balance and push off of.

  3. My daughter was 3 1/2 when she was fully trained. I just kept using the Pull up's. But now my 18 month old wants to try the toilet- there all different. She'll get it eventually. Might be less preassure when standing...

  4. Try positive reinforcement. Give her lots of appraisal when she does something right, kids feed on that.

  5. Maybe her muscles down there haven't developed completely yet. If thats the case, she can't help it.

  6. Read this article it has all you need to know! Good Luck!

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