
We've got the paralympics, what other minority groups should get their own Olympics?

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We've got the paralympics, what other minority groups should get their own Olympics?




  1. The Alcoholic Olympics

    People who wear glasses Olympics (like me)

    Pregnant Women Olympics

    Stripper Olympics (Luke said it first)

    Pimp Olympics

    Rap Olympics

    Big c**k Olympics....LOL

    Old Lady Olympics & Old Man Olympics


  3. children, there should be a kids olympics.. well, i think so anyway. maybe pensioners? :L xx

  4. special needs olympics

  5. the moral judging REpublican Party  of the regular poor folk.But when its one of there own doing trailer park antics they want the press too BACK OFF.


    Them REPUBLICANS are total douche bags and FRAUDS.They don't want there dirty laundry aired but they can air others  moral flaws.

  6. the mullet olympics

  7. just to say, who ever left the answer about the CHAVS is the funniest person ever.

    good one mate!

  8. Useless at sports people, children and dogs

  9. The 'Im c**p at sports but I can play chess and tic tac toe' olympics for people like me.

    Oh, and the olympics for invisible people. That would be so hard to judge.

  10. Personally, I've always thought the paralympics should be part of the Olympics, rather than being held afterwards.

    We could have a special olympics for steroid & other banned drug users.

    We could also have a alternative sports olympics, featuring wellie throwing, wife carrying & other quriky sports.

  11. little people and junkies

  12. Shopowners and traffic wardens.

  13. simon says

    da pakki's

  14. Druggies

    Single mothers

    Politically correct brigade



  15. Chavs the events should include

    the handbag snatch relay race

    the garden fence hurdles: the winner is the one that doesn't get caught by the police


    abuse hurling

    and the last one standing after drinking a litre of cider.

  16. Bad athletes who insist on playing intramurals and bar leagues, who are a bit overweight and sadly out of shape and never practice.

  17. I like Stoo's answer. Along with the banned substance abusers they should include all the little girls who in no way could pass as 16.

    There should also be an Olympics for all the discontinued sports and games...maybe play them with the wife carrying.

  18. Bisexuals. They could compete in mixed sports.

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