
We've taught our son the proper term for his genitals (p***s)...?

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and the proper term for the female genitals (v****a), lately he goes around calling his p***s a v****a. When he correct him, he just gets mad and says "No, Gina." that's his pronunciation, should we just leave it alone?




  1. ignore it, he will stop soon. My son was convinced that I had to have a p***s too, even though I am obviously a woman. Apparently I was not a complete person without one!! He figured it out on his own.  

  2. He's wayyy to young! He'll understand more better. He shouldn't called his p***s no more than a "wing wang", "wiener", "dingaling" etc;

  3. I um I don't think it's a good idea, because he might grow up beliveing that that's the name for it and he could get really embarrased, he should learn the correct name, it's normal for little kids to get confused with these things.

  4. Have you seen the movie "Look Who's Talking"?  There's a scene where the mom is in the same dilemma.  So she opens a magazine and points to people in it and has her son say "p***s" or "v****a".

  5. Let it be. He's young. If he wants to call it a yo yo let him. It's not like he's going to call it that as a grown up.  

  6. Ha ha- that is so funny. When I was a kid, I did the opposite. All my friends in the neighborhood were boys and I wanted to be like them so I told my mom that I had a "p***s." She would laugh and say, "No you don't." Of course I'd get mad and whatnot, but it eventually sorted out. Now it just exists as an embarrassing story my mom tells other people.

  7. It would depend on how old he is, he should grow out of it bye the time he is 7 or 8, hes not going to be doing it at school.

    I wouldnt be worried, it is probably just a little kid joke, he wont understand otherwise.

  8. Well done for using proper terms!  My daughters know the correct names for their body parts, and use them in context.  It's really been helpful when my two year old told me she had a sore "gina", and when I checked, she actually had a thrush infection.  In contrast, when my workmate's daughter told her she had a sore bottom, she assumed she was constipated, and it took days before she went to the doctor with a severe urinary tract infection.

    I wouldn't stress about it, maybe get your partner to tell him Daddy has a p***s, and so do you, we are the same... so he won't feel left out.  

  9. Yes you should leave it alone, he really doesnt need to be walking around saying those words at such a young age. Good luck.

  10. My fiance told my daughter to call her female genitals the "virgin islands". :-)

  11. Yeah,

    This is common for kids. The thing is you are negatively reinforcing him everytime he calls his p***s a gina. Even though he is getting in trouble he is getting attention.

    I promise you this will work... Try it with this and any thing issues you have.

    When he does it again... Reinforce him positively by saying "You know I really like it (or I am so proud of you) when you call it a p***s, that makes me so happy.

    He will eat it up... It may take a couple of times, but you must not reinforce him when he calls it a gina.

    Then, if you feel uncomfortable if he says this in public you can do the same thing by saying " I really like it when you talk about this at home and not out in public.. you make me so proud... etc...

    This is such a powerful weapon,,,, Good luck

    ***** Oh, and the person who answered above me made me think of something. Are you a stay at home mom? Spend more time with him than dad? If so, it would make a lot of sense because he identifies with you more. He feels that you and him are almost the same person and if you have a v****a then he must. He will grow out of this I promise.

  12. Let him say his own thing.  He'll understand later.  

  13. the next step is to teach him that p***s and v****a aren't things that we talk about with just anybody.  it may take a while but he'll get it.

  14. My daughter has done the same thing.

    We just left it alone for awhile, and then she seemed to think it was no big deal b/c we weren't so obsessed with the correct name being used. When we talked about it again she was over it, and called it by the right name.

    Best of luck.

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