
We Export Oil. So why should we drill ?????

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The US government is a joke. All parties seeking there own agenda to better themselves.

Why are the crooked Republicans exporting countless barrels of Oil, complaining about dependencies, & crying about drilling???

Wouldn't it be logical to maybe stop the flow of exported oil and keep it for us?




  1. Because of something called the world market. What you are proposing wouldn't be possible without either socializing the oil industry or placing heavy export taxes on it, both of which cons adamately oppose.

  2. The oil that is exported from the U.S. is refined into gas and diesel fuel and sent back to us, because we don't have the capacity at our own refineries to refine it. Maybe if the left and the environmental wackos would let us build some of our own, we could have good paying american workers, refine american oil for americans.

  3. "WE" don't own any oil and "WE" aren't drilling for any. Big oil companies own it all and they drill to make profits for America's wealthy elite, not to drive down gas prices. In fact, big oil is responsible for driving gas prices up. They have a long history of s******g over the American public. How quickly some have forgotten Enron and the California energy crisis.

  4. The word export is a little confusing. As someone else said, all crude oil goes into a global market. The USA only contributes 40% of the crude that it buys back for use in the USA. In other words, we supply much less into the oil market than we use up. If we increased oil production, it would help balance out the global market.

    I don't see why liberals are not all over this issue. Liberals have complained for years that the USA consumes much more energy than any other country. If we were to contribute as much as we consume the problem would be solved.

  5. it's simplistic to think that the government has any say in how the oil companies are run.  they're hugely profitable (hint: good investments) and the bottom line is their only consideration.  the fact that many of our elected officials are pro-big business is the nature of the American system.

  6. We can't. We live in a world economy, which means that when we drill, the oil goes on the world market, and goes to the highest bidder, which we usually are not. We could drill (I am a little ambivalent on the subject) so we could export more, but the reason it would make only a small impact on prices is because it goes on the world market, rather then staying at home.

  7. This is all the repukes have and they have convinced a majority of Americans.Which just proves they are a lot of dumb people.

  8. More supply+ less demand= lower prices...

    Simple economics....

  9. Why do we ask Saudi Arabia to drill more oil to keep the price down when we are unwilling to do the same thing? All oil goes on the world market, it is all sold at the same price, if anyone increases that supply then the price will lower. Why shouldn't it be us, while we work on affordable alternatives.

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