
We Need To Ask Why Sarah Palin Would Subject Her Pregnant Daughter To This ???

by Guest11006  |  earlier

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- How could Sarah Palin put her daughter through this public ordeal ? Bristol Palin is child herself and deserves privacy.

- How could Sarah Palin accept McCains VP offer knowing that her special needs infant will require enormous amounts of attention ?

- Does she realize that her family is in a vulnerable position and that she needs to be circling the wagons around them, and not taking bows like a beauty queen ?

Does she strike you as vain narcissist who is detached from reality ?

And what About McCain -

Did Palin tell Senator McCain that her family situation was a circus ?

If Senator McCain knew that Governor Palin had a "Jerry Springer" family how can anybody trust his judgment with anything ?





  2. I've had exactly those same thoughts.  Everyone knows that life in politics is brutal, sad but true.  

  3. I think she is just a better woman/mom than the rest of you lazy women on here commenting on her. Jealousy is a tough thing to deal with. Just because when you look in the mirror you see a weak willed person who doesn't have the power to do what she is doing you must tear her down.

    Democrats are so darn pathetic and predictable.

  4. I agree she thew her daughter in harms way (or under the bus) for her own political gain. It's kind of sad and may show bad judgment.

  5. Gee, I thought only Republicans were judgemental. Hello, Pot. This is the Kettle. You're black.

  6. Clearly she is putting her own wants ahead of her family's. If she does this to her family, what will she do to yours and mine?She is truly showing that she can be ruthless and that's scary!  

  7. Attacking her family will only hurt the democrats.

    Please keep it up.

    Why don't you start on her cat or her dog.

  8. She may not have done this intentionally, but you are probably correct in your assumption that the public adoration trumps the caring of the family she so nobly bore. Narcissism does cause people to behave in a very blatantly inappropriate  way and remain oblivious as long as their personal NEED for attention, and fame is met.

    I honestly cannot imagine anyone justifying having all of those children and not wanting to stay with them, love them and nurture them.

    McCain's problem is a different one altogether. He has fallen in love again and is unaware of how anyone paying any attention at all sees a pattern here.

  9. I know why you libs are so angry, she should have just fixed all this with a few abortions, right?

    You liberals hate when we kill terrorist, but as long as we are killing helpless children in the womb, you're okay with it!  That's poor judgement.

  10. She is running for VP you don't think this would have gotten out anyway?  What is wrong with this picture.  When Bill Clinton was getting his jimmy waxed it was a private matter between him and Hillary and shouln't effect his Presidency; however, Palin can't run because her daughter is pregnant...PLEASE!  

    And why don't we think her husband can't run the household while she is running for VP?  Certainly while Gov. of Alaska she has had to be absent from home so I'm sure he is very capable.

  11. Her daughter doesn't have a special needs child.  She is five months pregnant and the child isn't born yet proving the 'special needs' child is not the daughters. But don't let the facts get in your way. You liberals are pathetic and stupid.

  12. Those are some good questions. Excellent questions, actually. I can't wait to see what people say to this. I like your depth of thought, a lot.

  13. You are right. Her daughter does deserve her privacy. It was the cruel Dems who made it an issue. Thank them.

  14. And you don't think the libbies would have had a field day with this if she tried to hide it?

    What about Carter's alcoholic bamboozer of a brother?  Frankly, I think she is going to register as more like 'one of us' than anyone else currently running on any ticket.

    Palin is an upfront, honest woman.  And unlike the democrats chose to be forthright in bringing this information to the public rather than letting rumors run rampant and turn this into a political joke.  Wish Bill Clinton would have had the balls to do the same when that Lewinsky thing broke.

  15. Perhaps her family is several orders of magnitude tougher than you can comprehend people to be.

  16. How does having a special needs child and a daughter that is pregnant constitute as a circus. Girls get pregnant get over it that doesn't make a family unusual. And her child isn't a freak so there is no reason to call it a Jerry Springer family.

  17. It is people like YOU that are doing just that, keep up the good work I am sure our Lord and Savior will give you your just rewards someday.

  18. I asked the same question, albeit more aggressively:;...

    Actually got 1 person to agree that Bristol Palin could have had privacy ( I hope all her family is ok being on the campaign trail, although Trig doesn't have any say).  

  19. Why would she subject her pregnant daughter to this? Ego and ambition. Women can have it all but not all at the same time. She should have said, "Thanks but not thanks. My family needs me now and doesn't need the media attention it would bring them."---And I would answer the same way if it were a male candidate in same position.

    Yes, McCain knew about the pregnancy when they talked before he asked her to run.

  20. Palin put "Country" in front of her Family! or she has been used!

    Obama/Biden 2008!

    Ebony & Ivory Presidency!

  21. Maybe she doesn't see a pregnancy as a punishment.

    From one who had a premarital pregnancy and accepted the responsibility, and who has been married 44 years.

  22. 1she wants the vp  2she has money she dont want to sit home with no kid like that3she wants to be vp 4no i dont think she would she wants to be vp 5i dont think we can i think hes to old well not to old i dont think he has the mind for it

  23. This sounds more like a personal attack than a logical political question.  You sound biased.  You sound irrational, maybe she is a real person who has real problems.  

  24. I don't feel sorry for her. She seems so confident and she should know that running for public office will make her private life public. Unless she is so stupid not to know that. Politicians know that. Their supporters should know it too.

  25. What is she supposed to do? "No sorry i dont want to run for vice-president of the USA because my daughter is pregnant". Really? Im sure she discussed this with her family before accepting. Plus i think it puts a good message out there. People in goverment are just like us, things happen. Its good she is keeping the baby and staying with the father.

  26. first i would say that its not good to cause her family a circus... but i do wonder why she would subject her daugher to this scrutiny and accept a vp nomination...

  27. I cant believe the left is maken a issue of this when the right didnt say anything when Al Gores son was cought with drugs in the 2000 election, the right never talks about Chelsea Clinton, and they dont even attack John Edwards affair.

    This again only makes the left news media look bias

  28. Obama took the high road on this issue!

  29. She's a poor excuse for a mother.  No normal mother would ever put their children through all this - she should have NEVER entered the race - nothing like putting yourself before your kids - how sad!

  30. Good questions. I still don't understand this well. I checked out the reuters website but it conflicts with some other sites I have seen. What is the truth with this? How many babies are involved?

    This lady could become president and control the nuclear arsenal. We need to know the truth about everything right now. We don't need anymore surprises like this!

  31. This is why I am not Liberal! You are all hypocrites. Where is the compassion and understanding. All I ever read is you folks preaching these virtues on one hand and spewing out hatred and intolerance on the other.

    Shame on you for being a poser!

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