
We Want Another 9-11?

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I really do not understand American mentality.

In 1993, a bomb exploded in one of the World Trade Center towers. It was true devastation.

One would think that after so many attacks on American soil by outsiders, this country would wake up and FOREVER close the borders on all sides.


What tragedy has to happen for the borders to be closed INDEFINITELY?

Do we really want another 9-11 or worst a nuclear tragedy before we FINALLY wake up?

Please, close the borders.

Your view?




  1. It would be nice to close the borders but it isn't working. They are building that fence along the mexican border but ppl are still getting it. Our borders are so big and long that there isn't enough resource to close them permantly. PPl will still get in no matter what.

  2. Don't shut the borders down.  Let's "shoot first then ask questions later" because anyone that tries to cross the border illegally is a threat to American security.  As you know, there have been non-middle easterners that have been "drafted" into AlQaida and have trained in their camps to learn the terrorist trade.  Anyone can be a terrorist, and when dealing with American terrorists and leftist liberal extremists, just shoot them in the act and immediately execute the surviving terrorists so that they cannot live to bomb another day.....

    God Bless America!!!

  3. First off, you are conflating two unrelated subjects, terrorism and immigration policy.

    Secondly, North Korea, with a vastly shorter border and an Orwellian police state is not able to seal its border. The idea that the USA could seal its border and expel all undocumented immigrants is beyond absurd. In fact efforts to do so in the past decade have made the problem worse, not better.

    The world is a huge complicated place, simplistic solutions create more problems than they solve.

  4. Who would do all the S**t jobs Americans wont do if they shut the borders?

    Kathy:You presume too much.Where did I say they ONLY did S**t jobs?

    They do all kinds but they don't mind rolling up their sleeves and doing the low paid,hard ones that Americans don't want.

    Cathy:I think what will happen is is a lot of businesses that survive on the back of paying rubbish wages will go down the pan and those jobs are only there in those numbers because immigrants get taken advantage of.They jobs won't be there if they leave, unless Americans take the same c**p money.

  5. you're spamming

    I don't necessarily disagree with you but I like to be fair

  6. Even if I were to agree with you, which I don't, just HOW do you propose "shutting down the borders?" From a practical sense. We can't even keep them from coming in with Border Patrol, fences, checkpoints, etc. Just HOW would you "close the borders????"

  7. Devise a right of passage nation ID system where photo gets added after each right of passage stage.

  8. I would say I do agree with you.  I'm not against immigration at all, as long as they do it legally.  What I have a problem with is if a family of 5 can just waltz across our border, then so can a well financed terrorist group.  It's not a racial thing, it's all about protecting us....and people should wake up to this.

  9. I agree with Misty Blue.Without the immigrants America would fall apart.

  10. No... Please "control" the borders. Lawful immigration invigorates this country. We need to simply enforce the laws we have, find out who is here now illegally, kick out the questionable ones, and go from there.

    Misty... In states where they have clamped down on illegals, the unemployment rate has gone DOWN. So I question your allegation that they are only taking the jobs Americans don't want.

    Misty... And where did I say that the jobs that illegals replaced were only S**t jobs? The plain and simple fact is that illegals take JOBS from Americans. Some are S**t jobs... some are low-paying jobs. But they are jobs, nonetheless. And when Americans... who don't mind rolling up their sleeves... don't have to compete with illegals who are willing to take starvation wages... they WANT those jobs.

    Your argument is empty.

  11. Government responsible for 9/11. You wanting to close the borders does not fit their agenda of the NWO and more readily the North American Union.

    Close the borders? Surely you know George Bush signed an Open Borders Policy without the consent of Congress.

  12. Why would we close our borders? Open borders did not cause the problems, foreign policy, fanaticism, and other varied things did.

    Closing our borders will only hurt us in the long run. Closed borders mean no trade, and we are not a self sufficient nation.

    If you want isolation, get a shack up in the hills of Montana or Idaho.

  13. What about Oklahoma bombing? If I am not mistaken, they were Americans. What should we do with them?
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