
We adopted our children today?

by  |  earlier

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Our adoption finally went through and we are now proud parents of Isadora Star Marie (2 y/o) and Ashley May Faith (13 y/o). They're gone to the store with Richard to get some goodies for a quiet night in.

Kids are just so wonderful, my stomach is full of butterflies!!




  1. Oh thats such wonderful news, I saw your Q the other day about names and am so glad theyve now joined your family properly. MANY years of happiness to you and your family!! Bxx

  2. Oh, that is great! Congratulations! Mazel Tov! Gong Xi! Alles Gute! Khorosho!

    And Richard is... another kid? Or the other dad? Sorry, I haven't been following along...

    Either way,  I think that's great!


    Regarding  a previous question, I'm glad that if the 2 girls couldn't be persuaded to keep at least part of their original names, that they got to have the names they chose. Not sure why you asked about that on here. (?)

  3. Lovely, a big congrats xx

  4. CONGRATS!!!

  5. and the question is?????But COngradulations anyway......i love the name isadora!!!

  6. Huge congratulations! I remember that day well. It is a fantastic feeling to realise that they are yours for ever and a relief to know that they aren't going anywhere. Good Luck in the future - enjoy every minute and ....PARTY!!

  7. Congrats! As an adopted kid, be ready for some ups and downs... and for boys ;)

    Adoption is a really eye opening experience. I know it was for my parents. When Isadora gets older, don't hide anything from her. I was adopted at 2 days old, and I couldn't imagine not knowing I was adopted.

  8. Congrats.

    I have a great deal of respect for people who adopt older kids (ours were only toddlers).

  9. CONGRATS hope it turns out well

  10. Congratulations!  Oh, the things those kids are going to teach you!  : )

  11. aww congrats

  12. aww thats so sweet im so happy for you, you seem to have a great attitude to kids too. You should be proud!

  13. hi,congratulations on your adoptions,its a wonderfull thing you are doing to help the 2 children who needs the love and support and the comforts of family life .

    i must say you and your partner will show these children the love and compastion they need to guide them through life and to make all their troubled past in the past and give them a feeling of being secure and make them into adults they deserve to be.

    well done to both of you in taking on such a responsabilities towards the 2 youngsters,and to the children may warm hearts welcome them into the spirit of 2 wonderful and fullfilling parents.  :-) smiles all round and may the years ahead be very happy ones for you all.

    if only their were more people like you in the world the world would be a happeir and caring place.

  14. Congratulations, I'm so happy for you.

  15. very good,atleast they will be at peace surrounded by parents who care for them.your 1st x mas together will be special..

  16. Congratulations you have done a wonderful thing. I hope they bring you much joy and not too many challenges. lol

    Remember consistency is the key but golly its hard!

  17. Congratulations and thats great you are taking on a 13 year old, best of luck with your new daughters

  18. Done that, feels great doesn't it? Enjoy it and congratulations

  19. Congrats! May your two beautiful daughters lead happy, healthy long lives x

  20. congratulations and good luck

  21. congratulations, enjoy your family

  22. Congratulations!!! Family is wonderful isnt it.

  23. Well, congratulations to you and best wishes!  There is no greater adventure in life than parenting!

  24. Hat off to you, but to all those who say what a "wonderful thing" you've done. sorry but wake up and smell the coffee.  I am adopted (been that way for 45 years) and its a 2 way thing.  What adoptive parents do is fill their own need.  It's a narcissist thing - THEY want children (as much as or if not more than children need parents).

    I really wish people would LOOK at adoption properly and not spout all this "oh wonderful" stuff - sorry but it really gets on my goat!

    I wish you and your children all the best in the world, and yes be ready for the ups and downs - although my childhood was fantastic, us adoptees are deep people.

  25. congratulations!!!

  26. wow, congrats!!! You must be so excited!!

  27. Congratulations  and bless you both for taking in an older child.

  28. WELL DONE!!!

  29. Congratulations.

  30. Many congratulations! Best of luck for your new family!

  31. CONGRATS!! I think its wonderful that you are giving two lives an opportunity to be truly loved. My husband and myself are willing to adopt also.. congrats!

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