
We all gasped with amazement when Louis Armstrong walked on the moon but will man ever walk on the sun?

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Serious answers only please I have a nasty temper




  1. Louis ?   Not Louis.

  2. Louis Armstrong was a jazz singer. He never walked on the moon.

  3. If we came within a few thousand miles of the sun we'd die from the following:

    *Extreme heat.

    *Extreme solar winds.

    *We'd be pulled into the sun because a spaceship has very little inertia when it is being held up to the sun.

    And if we were able to land there, we couldn't walk around because the sun isn't solid... it is a plasma. It is a plasmic body. Its not even on fire... its a ball of exploding gas. Any attempts to get there would be ruined.

    I'm not sure WHY we would want to land on the sun in the first place... no chance of life or human colonization obviously, so whats the point of developing all of these technology which is darn near impossible to develop, when we could just study it from afar to our heart's content? We wouldn't know any more by landing on the sun as we would be taking photographs of it.

  4.   The shoe technology hasn't been perfected yet.

  5.'ll be a powdered human being when u even attempt to get near it..the heat of the sun can even burn ur skin that ue here on earth what more when u try to walk on it?

  6. man will never walk on the sun. the extremely high temperatures can probably vapourise our bodies.  

  7. Louis Armstrong was a jazz singer...he never walked anywhere when he could drive...

  8. It wasn't Louis Armstrong ("Stachmo", the famous jazz trumpet player) on the moon, but rather _Neil_ Armstrong.

    And no, man will never walk on the surface of the sun because:

    a) The sun is a giant ball of gas, with no discernible solid surface to touch

    b) The surface of the sun is so hot it would vaporize any man-made object hundreds of thousands of miles before you could reach it anyhow.

  9. We need to invent sunwalkers first. They would have to be fairly huge to support a human walking on what is essentially gas. They would also have to shield us from the intense heat and radiation.

    Since it would be impossible to actually walk in such big shoes, we could combine them into one surface and attach small rockets to propell it forward. That means we could go surfing on the sun!

  10. So that's what happened to Glen Miller.  Made it to the Sun but not back again.  

    Did Louis play the "St. Neil Blues" while on the Moon?

  11. Yes but he will need to go at night time otherwise it will be too hot.


  12. Louis may have marched in with the saints in this wonderful world when stars fell on Alabama and pennies from heaven, but he didn't walk on the moon (to our knowledge).

  13. How can we give a serious answer to such an unfortunate gaffe as Louis walking on the moon?

    I was going to give a frivolous answer about what the first words spoken (sung?) on the moon would be but in view of your temper I better not.....

  14. i kinda dont think we will, moon was easy

    the sun iss just a bit hot and probably any human made materiel will be incinirated there

    we probably wont even get like a few 10000000 miles of the sun(yes i guessed that number, im 14 dont judge me)  

  15. You could call NASA and volunteer to be the first man to walk on the Sun.  They might be looking for someone.

  16. Louis Armstrong has never been anywhere near the moon, he was too busy playing the trombone. However, Neil Armstrong has been to the moon.

    But the Sun is a massive burning ball and cannot be walked on.

  17. You r****d! His name was Neil Armstrong!

  18. I very much doubt it, as there is no material available (I don't think) that could withstand the heat of the sun. Plus our own human bodies could not take the effect of the sun. It is too powerful for anything. Plus it would probably cause some great instability within its state and cause soemthing terrible to happen.

    Just a thought on it.

  19. How about serious questions, only please. We're all fed up.

  20. It was Louis who walked on the sun, and his brother Neil who walked on the moon.

  21. Your so funny - you wouldn't even get within miles of the sun - you'd be cooked.  LOL

  22. The sun is about 15 Million Degrees Centigrade in the middle, and about 5 Million on the surface. Also, it is made of burning gas, and so you can't really "Walk" on it. I doubt that Humans will ever go near it at least for another few hundred years, as there isn't a material that can withstand that much heat! By the way, it was Neil Armstrong who walked on the moon.

  23. I don't think so

    Unless you want to be burned alive.

    Oh and it's Neil Armstrong. Not Louis Armstrong.

  24. Absaloutly Impossible, Unless The Sun Dies. Even Then We Would Still Not Be Able To Reach It - It's Far To Far Away. You're Skin Would Melt If You Even Came Close. Skin Melt, Blood Vessels Pop, Plus The Pressure On The Rocket Would Be Extreme & The Metal Would Melt & Peel Off

  25. will man ever walk on something that is pure gas...i would say no...

    if you develop a technology that allows us to just start walking up through the atmosphere, ill buy it.

    at the same time, develop a suit that allows us to withstand minimum temperatures of 5,000,000 Celsius.  

  26. hahahhahhhahahhaaa

    maybe in winter..

  27. I think whoever goes up there will need plenty of sun cream on!

  28. Louis Armstrong never walked on the moon. Neil Armstrong however, did. Louis is an African American jazz trumpet player and vocalist who is famous for his rendition of "All of Me" and "It's a Wonderful World", as well as "Hello Dolly" among other songs. Neil the astronaut is not so musically inclined.  As for walking on the sun... NO.  Man will never walk on the sun as the human race is doomed to become extinct within the next half decade.  I of course am referring to the total planetary alignment that is to occur on December 21, 2012. Not only will every planet in our solar system be in complete alignment with the sun, but it will also be on an aligned axillary plane with the center of our galaxy, "The Milky Way".  The center of which, is a neutron star or black hole.  The gravitational forces alone will have a dramatic effect on this planet's weather patterns, tides and currents in such a way as to make the 2006 Southeast Asian tsunami look like a spit in the ocean, (pun intended).  Any other ramifications from such a major astronomical event such as the effect on this planet by coronal mass ejections, solar blasts and/or massive gamma radiation waves, the survivability of the human race beyond 2012 is tenuous at best.  

  29. I still can't stop laughing at all the Louis Armstrong/Neil Armstrong jokes everyone made!

    But no, the sun is far too hot to get close to and keep your cellular structure.  And besides... if we could overcoem the heat,  what sruface does the sun have?  How do you walk on a ball of hydrogen that is going through fusion?  Hmmmm???  

  30. There is no protective material that could possibly withstand the heat of the sun. Due to the gravitational warp-space, in time cause and effect would break down and nothing would make sense. No elements could cohere due to this effect as well. It's all plasmic energy and everything is all smashed together in this furnace. It would be broken down and smear into space and time itself.

  31. Nope. Not ever. If we actually get really close to it we will burn. If we touch it, we will turn into ash.

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