
We all have a personal story, feelings, hard comings, family dysfunctions etc..?

by  |  earlier

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Also some of us were elected class president, went to scouts, did drugs, took a leadership or instructors course

( more etc....)


A:Yes, I've had it hard, feel bad for me

B: Yes, I've had it hard, pity me

C: Yes, I've had it hard, so has everyone, but I rate, I am better than you

D: All of the for me.




  1. E:  Life is tough. It is who I am now that counts. Do your research and if you find we believe in the same things and that I am able to get these things done - Vote for me.

  2. I vote for B.5 - half-way between B and C.

    I've had it hard - and we're not so different from each other.  Our difficulties may have been different, but we survived.

  3. The only one that is half true is C ... but not that "I am better than you" part.

    We have all hit hard times, I believe, but that doesn't make one person better than another.  Some can handle it better than others, but they're not better ... possibly just a bit different; stronger.

    Sometimes we do have to accept the help of others, and sometimes we have to do everything in our power to help ourselves.  We have to try to overcome our particular problems in life...many times that's difficult.

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