
We all know Obama is not going to win and the real reason is...?

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For those who believe this be honest...and no talking points or typical politcal rhetoric.




  1. Yes...we know that Obama is going to win...because McCain/Palin (Mr. Magoo and Clueless) are busy fending off allegations that McCain "lacks judgment" and Palin is a corrupt hypocrite who embellishes her resume....

  2. McCain and Palin are the greatest.

  3. he has now experience. plus he acting like he already won the goof ball!!!

  4. I think it's really funny that you want it so bad and can't think of one reason yourself!

  5. when he does win i suppose the question is going to be we all know Obama won because ?

  6. people hate him

  7. Obama has had the advantage in both the Electoral Map and the national polling for sometime now. Just saying.

  8. ...because it is not meant to be.  Also because he does not have the substance (life experiences that prepare one for that job and his character qualities are weak).  Yes, he is weak, we need strength.

  9. because he is a black man

  10. Oh, but he is going to win.

  11. ...his stance on abortion and his "bring jobs back to America" ideas.

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