...of what's happening now. Will members here take the time to insist in writing to their MPs that the new properties are constructed on pillar supports to keep them above the highest water levels as measured today?
This is, I believe, a simple application of the old "prevention is better than cure" adage and could save the need for future £multi-million£ aid payouts to help people back into their homes, as have been necessary this time around. It's a pretty safe bet that these new homes will not be able to get flood insurance - at least not at any sensible rate, but why should the taxpayer be asked to foot the bill in the years to come when it all goes pear-shaped?
Under-pillar areas could be enclosed and used as off-road parking bays for residents.
Many MPs have email. To check if yours does, please go here: http://www.upmystreet.com/commons/email/l/389.html and if you agree with this suggestion please take a moment to drop your MP a quick line asking them to promote it.