
We all know that sarah palin is milf?

by  |  earlier

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but i think when her daughter has a kid she is going to be one of the few gilfs. i want to know your oppinion on this issue




  1. lol that's so gross

  2. I think think that her 17 year old daughter is way to young to be MILF which is what she will be when she delivers a b*****d grandchild to Sarah.

  3. I agree 100%

  4. Take off her glasses and put on her wonderwoman outfit!  Apple does not fall far from the tree

  5. You think McCain picked her so he could get a little on the side?

  6. You are LAME!   Build a bridge and get over it!

  7. haha yea right... milf. Just cause she's trying to run for VP makes her a milf. I'm sorry but she's not worthy in the looks department, she's below average there are many women her age that are better looking. This is just getting ridiculous calling her a milf

  8. If you are going to sling about milf 's and gilf's maybe the term idiot would apply to yourself w/o the ilf

  9. and this is important to the election how?

  10. My opinion is that you should go back to sleep.

  11. Former Miss Alaska runner up!??  d**n right Sarah Palin is a MILF!!!  She was probably really loose when she was young too, look how her daughter turned out!

    These conservative Bible thumping women raise the loosest daughters, probably some rebellious thing!

  12. her daughter is not running for vp or president

    she had nothing to do with this and should not be a topic discussed

    this is coming from a person who is voting for obama!!!!

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