
We all know that the oil is running out and that we need to conserve it...?

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so what do you think of the British government's latest big idea?




  1. The only reason there's a shortage of oil, is because you've stopped looking for it.  There's plenty around, but you go get it.  Instead, the Government passes laws prohibiting drilling...If they knew the oil wasn't there, they wouldn't have to pass laws to stop you from getting it, would they? That should be obvious.  Are you a brick?  

    The problem is entirely man-made, and fortunately, so is the solution.  We just have to be smart enough to do it.

  2. I took an AP environmental science course last year and i remember studying a chapter on resources. Several statistics said that scientists had proven that the world supply of oil will run out in the next 50 years.

    We seriously need to start looking at alternative energy sources.

  3. Geologists have made it clear that almost all of the large easy to access oil reserves have been found and are currently being mined.  Also we have already reached our peak oil production and have been producing less than before.  

    With this being said there are more oil reserves in the world but they are extremely difficult to drill and retrieve.  In economics they call this the law of low hanging fruit.  After all of the fruit that is easy and cheap to pick, you have the fruit much higher.  It is more costly to retrieve and requires new technology.  Are these hard to reach oil reserves economical to drill, the answer by most economists is no.  

    Should we invest in new technologies because our reserves are going to run out and our demand is continually increasing, yes.  In the near future it seems it may be cheaper to invest in new technologies instead of relying on old ones that are getting more expensive by the gallon(or liter).

  4. oil is not running out, people are hoarding it!

  5. I think I sucks.  

    Oil is a poor choice for fuel / energy… and we are dooming ourselves because we as a society are all too lazy and plebeian to pursue other sources of energy….   And we are so vain driving around in our gas guzzling vans and trucks..

    we the consumer should already be choosing clean fuels; Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Biodiesel, Ethanol, Natural Gas …  We have the technology, when will we use it?

  6. It depends on who you ask. Global warming BS degrees may say that we are in short supply of oil, but seismologists say that oil is plentiful.

  7. Sounds like they're floundering a bit, trying to placate the masses by being able to demonstrate they've done all they can to step up production and generate more oil.  

    Meanwhile they're undermining confidence in their abilitiy to deal with oil prices and global climate change because they are ping-ponging their policy according to public opinion rather than providing leadership for current times and future generations.

    I agree that if actions can be taken to reign in overinflated oil prices that this should be done, but it can't be done piecemeal, it needs to be done at the international level at this point.

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