
We all know why Chad Johnson changed his name(attention)What are some other things he can do to get attention?

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We all know why Chad Johnson changed his name(attention)What are some other things he can do to get attention?




  1. get arrested

  2. You can blame him, but you have to blame the media too. If they would ignore him, he would go away.

  3. He should fight Anderson Spider Silva (MMA Super star) 3 - 5 min.rounds!! I would pay attention to that!!

  4. *Ask to get traded

    * Wear a wig (if it's allowed)

    * Change his name back to Chad Johnson or Paul Tagliabue (lol)

    * Steal someones TD Taunt  

  5. He should get arrested like all his other teammates have already done. Then he can make a rap video with the lyrics of "how does my *** taste" geared at team management.

  6. He could put the team ahead of himself and work hard so the Bengals could turn all that talent into winning talent. He could be a team leader instead of being his own best fan and the one thing I have learned (but then again I am a lot older than 85) is everyone admires (or hates) winners. Become Chad the hard working Super Bowl team leader and he can get all the attention one could ever want. And some of it would actually be positive....something he doesnt get now and it likely would feel better to be a positively spoken of player.

    But if he stays with the BS stuff maybe he can hook up with Dennis Rodman and they could get married (but could they agree on who gets to wear the dress?).  

  7. football does need peeps like Johnson and T.O. but they also need people like Harrison guys.

    What can CJOC do is tell everyone he likes men

    That will get headlines.

    Also get tons of penalties to allow teams to rejoice when they score.

    WTF is up with that rule, the "no showboating" rule

    To that rule, i say UP YOURS to the NFL, now matter how successful they are.

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