
We all save on our electricity use etc when ever possible?

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un like home depot with there isle of lights , tabl e lamps , ceiling fans etc , wouldnt it b e better if they turn them all off and let customers turn the items on when there looking at them and trying to decide , same with the stores that sale tvs and radios and sterios , why have all the tvs on the same station , etc , let the customer turn the tv on to see how it works and to look at the fixtures etc this will save on electicall waste , what do you think , and do u think we can do somethign about it and if so what can we do




  1. I think that's a great idea.  I need to give more thought on how to pressure them into this, but your onto something.

    It is pretty wasteful having 25 televisions running from 10 am to 10 pm, another 25 computer monitors, 10 computer games.  It adds up.

  2. It is possible. I heard about this review of hospital computers where someone went round and changed the powersave options of all the monitors and saved a few thousand off their electricity bill every year from then on, so yeah why not.

    Just remember some things like flourescent tubes teake quite a bit of energy to get them going, but use up very little once running. Therefore turning these on and off will actually use more energy. LCD's have flourescent tubes behind them.

  3. In theory, this sounds like a great idea.  It would be great to save this additional energy that seems to be wasted, but the stores have all of these items on for a reason.  They are businesses and don't want to spend any extra money that they don't need to spend, so if it were financially a better move for them to keep them off, they'd do so (not to help reduce energy usage, but to save money).  These items are left on to show customers what they look like.  It seems easy enough to leave a TV off and let the customer turn it on if they are interested, but a crisp-looking HDTV that's on and showing a great picture just might entice that gentleman passing by who had no intentions of even considering checking out TV's.  These different things being on is basically like another form of advertising.  If this "advertising" weren't creating enough sales to justify their being powered up during the day, no doubt they'd be off instead.  That means it would really take power restrictions being mandated in order to have these devices turned off, as otherwise, the stores are losing out while we turn an eye to saving energy.  It would be hard to create some type of legislation that would be able to regulate something like that and hard to get businesses to comply at the cost of their own business.

  4. Maybe they could go solar and provide their own energy, then it wouldn't effect anyone but themselves how much electricity they use.

  5. thats pretty smart, i'm glad you thought of it. You should write a letter to some one or do something.

  6. I'll admit it seems a bit wasteful, but for the stores it is good product promotion to see the products running, and they are willing to pay for it. That is their right.

    To me, it is more productive to focus on your own energy use and your own reasons for using it. And I'm convinced we all have significant reductions we can make.

    See my blogs and I'll bet you can find conservation ideas that match your own requirements, and when taken together these savings at home dwarf what Home Depot is using.

  7. Sure it would save some energy, but the stores themselves use much more energy overall with the overhead lighting and air conditioning and......

  8. Are you willing to reimburse the store for their lost sales?

    Are you willing to pay the rent for the store?

    The store pays for this electricity. Why do you think they would use that electricity if it did not increase sales??

    Many people do not buy what they do not see working.

    If you shut off the lamps and the televisions the sales at those stores will decrease dramatically.

    This has been tested many times. Store managers try this routinely to see if they can cut their electricity bill without hurting sales.

    The sales drop dramatically efvery time they try shutting off the lamps and the televisions or reducing the number of lamps and televisons they have running at any one time.


    The store would have to fire employees to cut expenses because of the loss in income from reduced sales.

    Rather than have the employees and the store owners reduce their paychecks, why don't you reduce your paycheck?

    Why don't you offer to pay the stroe several hundred dollars per week out of your own pocket to reimburse the store for some of its lost sales? Why don't you put your money where your mouth is?

    I have noticed that my friends in the environmental movement are very generous with other people's money, but they scream bloody murder if you suggest that they give up some of their money.

    If you  really want to save some electricity why don't you persuade Nancy Pelosi, John Edwards and Al gore to move out of their monstrous mansions that use over 10 times the amount of electricity that an average family  of 4 uses and far more electricity than that store uses to run its display of lamps and television sets.

    Also, tell Nancy Pelosi John Edwards and Al Gore to stop flying those private jets all over the place for their personal transportation.

    those private jets use ove 1,000 times the amount of fossil fuel per mile traveled as the most wasteful SUV.

  9. Maybe you should turn off your computer and stop wasting all the precious electricity.  

    Home Depot, and other large companies, are allowed to turn on lots of fans and lights if the want to.  We live in America, not China.

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