
We all say we should do something to save our planet but has anyone thought WHAT we should do?

by Guest60724  |  earlier

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It is an important issue and we need to think about it now odrwise our planet AND WE r gonna b history!




  1. Start by doing your part (e.g. recycle, cut down on your use of energy and water when possible, turn off unused lights, etc.).  

    Then, start convincing your friends and family to do the same.  You do not necessarily need to be mean or overly fanatic about it.  But it is a start.  If one person convinces another, then those two convince two more, than you have four.  Then, eight.  Then sixteen...(you get my point).

    The way I see it, you do not necessarily need politicians to change the world.  Sometimes it starts with one person.

  2. It all starts with YOU!

    Quick and inexpensive: replace your incandescent lights with compact fluorescent (CFL), replace your conventional thermostat  (s) with  programmable add more insulation to your attic, use the bus or carpool. Get an energy audit from your local utility or state/county energy efficiency provider.

  3. first, stop all the wars, but this is not possible since man loves to fight

  4. I thought about 28 years ago to build a house that would be self heating even in our Ontario winter. Well over the past 28 years I have saved more than the cost of the house in heating costs, but in addition I have avoided buying a lot of fuels that are driving global warming.

    Today, if I were asking what can I do, I would likely be at least as concerned to get Canada's major deposits of Methane (hydrate) still locked in our permafrost and arctic ocean floor, removed and used before global warming has a chance to release it.

    Methane released as the arctic melts would make our efforts to slow emissions of CO2 a mighty irrelevance.

  5. Stop voting for politicians who are holding up expansion of nuclear power.  Like Hillary and Obama who both accused each other of supporting the storage of nuclear wastes at Yucca Mountain last week.

  6. To start with, "save the planet" is really the wrong idea.  The planet is fine has been fine and will be fine until the sun supernova's some odd billion years from now.  The question everyone really is asking is how do we prevent change.  How do we stop global warming or how do we prevent the next ice age.  How can we keep the nine toed racing sloth from going extinct, and so on.  If the planet is what you are really concerned with, relax it will be fine long after humans are extinct.

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