
We all seem to be talking about dwindling oil supplies but have we really given any thought?

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as to how we actually all cope rich and poor alike once the oil has run out. In say twenty years ttime will the scientists have been sucessful in replacing oil with another such product I wonder? What a scary thought!




  1. We already dcan replace it but there is a myth that you can change it like turning on a switch and that is false it takes time and Lots of money to change into like Solar or wind

    There are many ways for Energy But there are all negatives like Nuclear there are it's "trash" which is Hazardtist

    So we can but it will take lots of money and it will take Time which we probably don't have a lot left

    And we might have a soucre of energy that will last for million's of years but they are building it and see if it really works

    It's somewhere in the Europe

  2. Most organisations in the petrochemical industry have foresaw these problems, and it is highly likely that they have solutions them. However as a business it is necessary to milk every last penny out of an existing resource before switching to alternatives.

    In terms of auto technology we already have working fuel cells, however current hydrogen sources are from methane. And the diesel engine was originally designed to run on peanut oil, and even coal.

    But its not only cars that require crude oil, the polymer industry needs by products from the cracking process, and energy suppliers burn natural gas which is also running out. Again solutions for both have been developed, polymers are now progressively being grown biologically and more inorganic (mainly siloxane based) polymers being developed. Regarding electricity, this is where we face the biggest shortfall, an ageing nuclear system, and no other independant sources of energy to bridge the gap. Nuclear power plants will take many years to be approved and built, but is the only way until we develop a form of nuclear fusion.

    So to answer your question, the solution to our dependence on crude oil has caused the need to diversify, and use different paths to achieve the necessary goals, but rest assured we shouldn't be caught short.

  3. Er... What?

    Are you just asking how people will cope without oil until we develop a replacement?

    If so I think things could go either way, we could just about hang in there and keep going with lesser methods of power production and transportation.  There is of course the chance that so many people losing their luxuries may cause a political upheaval.

    Too early to tell, at the moment there is still a h**l of a lot of oil left.  It's a good idea to take measures to safeguard yourself though.  Consider moving to an area that relies on hydro power rather than oil.  Keep a close eye on upcoming electric transportation options (electric cars are still c**p at the moment).  Heat your home via a heat-pump rather than gas.

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