
We are a respectable family with two children, 10 and 12?

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Next door is an old lady of 83 and she is making our lives h**l. We have a rabbit and she keeps on reportting us to the environmental health. They have been out to see us and told us there is no problem, yet she keeps on doing it. Thing is she is still says hello to us as though nothing is wrong. We keep our rabbits clean, she also stares at us when we go out and pretends to be on the phone all the time.




  1. If the authorities say your bunny is fine, then just ignor her.  Even when she continues to report you, the envir. health folks have records and constant complainers get flagged ("oh, she's complaining about the same thing we've already checked out 45 times so just do a perfunctory check to make sure things haven't changed for the worse")--they have her number and know you are keeping your pet in good order.  Your neighbor is just unhappy and being persnicky and there's not much you can do about it (and, by the way, her age has nothing to do with it nor does some mysterious senior disease) so just say hi and ignore whatever problem she has with rabbits.  I have (young) neighbor who keeps complaining that some of the branches on the tree sitting at the curb in front of our building make noise at night when the wind blows--she wants us to cut down the tree but I like our tree and ear plugs are available.  I am kind of flattered that she thinks I have that much control over the weather though.

  2. shes crazy

  3. this woman just sounds as though she is a fussy woman who just doesnt like neighbours. i wuldnt worry about it, especially if the environmental health havesed there is nothing wrong, dont let it get to u  

  4. Just carry on being polite, make sure the kids say hello and hopefully she will stop the strange behaviour.

  5. sounds like she is getting senile dementia

  6. Sometimes the elderly can be a little on the mean side. Is she living in the house alone? Did her husband die in the last 5 or 6 years? Her calling environmental health could just be her crying out for some attention. It's the same as children acting out for some attention. Go over and talk to her politely about her callings to environmental health. Or invite her over and treat her like a friend, send your kids over with baked goods. She just wants you to know she's there.

    I used to have a slightly older neighbor that treated my mother and father badly when I was young. My mother got to know her, that neighbor is like a grandmother to me. I love her. She's the only person I can spill my guts out too, even still.

  7. She probably just likes to cause trouble, some people are like that.

    Either just continue to be polite or perhaps have a word with her about why she phoned environmental health when your rabbits were not causing any problems. You might find she is just lonely and wants someone to talk to.

  8. Try and be a little bit tolerant and remember she is 83 and possibly lonely. If you're lucky, you might be 83 one day and have nice neighbours who care about you.

  9. she sounds lonely which is why she is doing this it gives her some can either try and befriend her (hard i know) or just ignore her.we have got one across the road from us she always has her nose in everyones affairs.i try to ignore her but she always speaks to me so i say hello and walk husband is so rude to her but she continually winds him up.he is a master at sarcasm and i cringe at some of the things he says to her.

  10. come on she could pop her cloggs at any given moment-she is doing it to amuse herself-lets face it there probably isn't much else going on in her life-why don't you bake her a cake-be her friend,give her some attention,thats prob what she's really after know like naughty kids who want attention.

  11. she is old and old people are hard to please ..either you ignore her or bake a cake and visit her she looks lonely that's why she get her self busy with you

  12. Ok she is very old and by the sound of it very crazy. I would guess that she is lonely. Environmental Health will refuse to deal with her if she keeps this up so that will deal with the rabbit issue. The staring-ignore it; you can afford to because you are not 83, lonely or crazy. It is her phone and she is entitled to do any role play she likes with it. Be nice to her, it will be a great example to your children in being compassionate to those less fortunate than ourselves. You know this is the right thing to do so swallow your anger- this is only a nightmare if you let it be one.

    Good Luck.

  13. Time to put up a privacy fence, or a long line of shrubs heavily fertalized for quick growth.  Haloween is coming....dress up your kids like rabbits and send them over.  

  14. just ignore her, if ur doing nothing wrong then when shes calls people out on u then nothing will happen (even if it is slightly embarrasing)

    it may be shes after attention, she may be lonely, or she may be suffering a elderly person disease.

    have u asked her what she thinks ur doing wrong?

  15. egg her windows

  16. Oh just ignore her. This is probably the highlight of her life. But if you want to say something, Maybe try saying "Is the rabbit doing something to bother you b/c we are aware that you have been complaining"

    Try not to get confrontational~ It might make the old bag have a heart attack.  

  17. Do you know for definite that it is her? If so, have you spoken to her about it and asked her to stop, that the enviromental health said there was no problem? I would seriously cut her dead now, and not even say hello! she is out of order for doing that, hopefully the EH will say something to her, short of that id go and have a word with the citizens advice as she sounds like a neighbour from h**l!!!

  18. she may be suffering from some illness

    I'm not saying old age is an illness but something along the lines of Alzheimer's or Dementia  etc...

    Older people are also very territorial and hate change. I'm not sure what you could do other than advise the health board of this situation and request some sort of order to have her restrained from calling. Court wouldnt do any good she's much to old and you wouldnt want to put her through that.

    Good luck.

  19. just tell her how you feel... or the obvious answer. Move.

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