
We are all dying somewhat inevitably. The question is, how to make creative use of what we have left?

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We are all dying somewhat inevitably. The question is, how to make creative use of what we have left?




  1. One of the best thoughts I have heard on this is.. if you all of a sudden had unlimited money & resources.. what are the first 3 things you would do.

    Most of the time, it is possible to find a way to do those things anyway, and they are the things that would make you the happiest

    .. and, never pass up an opportunity to laugh...

  2. make a list of things you always wanted to do.

  3. that's where what would jesus do might actually fit. and christian mythos might come in handy.    

    hang out with prostitutes and homless people.  comfort them.  

    abandon materialism and social status.  if nothing else poor people have better parties.

  4. we are dying from the moment we are born.

  5. i think there are certain ways to live

    Help others

    Do what you love to do

    Make a difference

    I don't know if there are any other ways to live

  6. Obey and do 'the ten commandment'

  7. have faith in god and love each other don'tt be a bornagain what you love to do best..and dont worry be happy : ) one other very important thing is treat others the way you want to be treated...then you will live in peace

  8. Yahoo!

    Sad, aint it?

  9. I dont know what inevitably means.

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