
We are all going to die in 9 days!?

by  |  earlier

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AHHHHH omg were all gonna die? What should I do?




  1. make the best of it until u die

  2. maybe your gonna die  

  3. No were not! It would have been on the news and people would be going crazy

  4. omg, did you realize you're the only one that's gonna die?? we all bought the life preserving kit already........

  5. i saw tht question too

    i'm not worried

    9 days isnt very long though

  6. we are not dieing in 9 days! where are you hearing this from!

  7. What should you do?!Follow everyone else and die.

    It's no big deal.

  8. How about you STFU!!!

    Jeez....I hate annoying people.

  9. Get a life?

  10. Ha. i read that! If we're really going to die, why is it only a smallish article in a newspaper rather than front page news with people going crazy on the streets?

  11. YOU may die of high blood pressure.

    obviously some of us will die i the next 9 days. cause people die all the time. but i think the majority of us are safe at the moment. unless the polar ice caps melt in a week and we all drown. or george bush has a bad nightmare and presses his Big Red Button....

  12. Umm . . . ok

    Shouldn't it be all over the news by now and people panicking x.x

  13. Don't care.

  14. Run outside saying, "THE WORLD IS GOING TO END IN 9 DAYS," and see if other people will believe you and panic.

  15. i dont have time for death.  

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