
We are all gonna DIE!!!!?

by Guest59179  |  earlier

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Do you think that all this doom saying that is going around on the internet is the modern day equivalent of walking the streets with a board on your back and chest saying the THE END IS NIGH what is going on?

Yes we are all going to die EVENTUALLY.




  1. If you knew your bible prophecy, yes, we are living in the end times. Nobody know exactly when, so don't believe any date if somebody tells you one because only God knows the time and hour it will happen. I, personally am looking forward to that day :)..There are lots of good things in store for those who believe :)..Prophecy is coming to pass as we speak. Look what is happening between Russia and Georgia, then Russia deciding they are going to stay there to 'keep the peace'...YEAH RIGHT!! and now this morning, the U.S. has a ship show up there to come to the aid of Georgia. Do you see anything on the horizon over this problem?? I sure do..Watch and find out :)

  2. i've died and come back before.  its cool!!!!

  3. even if v r going to die "EVENTUALLY" den y r u wasting the time da is left wid u thinking bout d dooms day that might not even come but u would surely loose ur time being scared rather than doing something fruitful

  4. not me

  5. zombies ARE coming to eat us!!

  6. it's always been like that...someone predicting something. I just hope if the doomsday thing involves a big bomb that I never see it coming. I'm not going to waste my life worrying about it though.

  7. lol. Yes, we will all die but who knows when?

  8. Do you know any immortal? I don't.

  9. yess eventually but no one knows...

    only god XD

  10. yes ,we will die one day ,but i dont know when it will happen ,so ENJOYYYY  :D

  11. Well...yes at some point we are all going to die...

    In the best possible case,after some million years(2.5 if I recall) the sun will become a huge hot red ball of fire,and explode,in an immense explosion called supernova(that's what stars do when they...uhm...die)

    Yet regardless of this I think we're going to die a lot earlier...just think about it,in about 30 years our oil resources will be gone.The economy will blow up.Not to mention global warming,gas resources,wars,corruption,maybe terrorism and other stuff...

    Some people say it's going to end in 2012 due to astrological matters

    Excerpts from

    EXACTLY in January of 2012 the planets enter highly critical degrees as if by clockwork. The universe is a pulsating, breathing system and this is the chaotic precision of great fated suffering, war and PROGRESSION.

    At this time Pluto will be 7 degrees into Capricorn, signifying that Governments will be collapsing and this great ordeal will move that along quite nicely. Mars for nearly everyone (possibly everyone) is at 22 degrees signifying that it badly amplifies the energies it conjuncts which isn't good considering it is conjunct fixed star Denebola which represents natural disasters and Mars is the planet of War and violence...Self explanatory?

    Venus, Jupiter and Uranus are all on Strange degrees of beginnings...Beginning what? who knows but I do know this, every single Lunar chart I have looked at (including my own, hahaha) looked terribly S****y, Meaning LOTS of deaths.

    Another thing to mention is that Neptune and Saturn are on the 29th degree of endings. Saturn is the greater malefic which represents suffering and loss and Neptune represents the ocean, weak mindedness, loss/depression (as does Saturn).

    You can read the whole article there...Hope this helped  

  12. Ok,,,

  13. logically yes, we all dont live on earth forever, and we cant ignore the sun dieing in 2.5 million years

  14. man has been trying to predict the end of the world since we got here, no its not true. the world ends for YOU when you die, the actual planet no. not yet

  15. it is appointed for man to die,....

    only once, will live again,....


    the living soul has too much energy,...

    to become extinct....eventually,...yes

    we will all die,...but as for now let's,..

    all go have pizza,....or something,...

    to early in the day for this,...I'm  going to watch me a movie,....

    get back la-tah,.I'm out,......

  16. i'm intreigued by your statement, although i have absoulutely no idea what it means. try making sense.

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