
We are an Indian couple interested in adopting a child. We have a Biological child?

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Want to know some tips on communicating and convincing our parents who are a little conservative in their thoughts.




  1. Tell them you want to adopt a child.  Case closed.  They'll have to deal with reality.

  2. your family should support you both regardless of their personal thoughts, best of luck

  3. Take it slowly but firmly see what s their objection and eliminate it one at a time.

    You will receive a multiple blessing if you can pull it of, hope you can.

  4. D

    o not  hurt there feelings by tell them, need not to say. or in Mahabharat kunti deliver biological child with the help of  sun indra etc. i think so.

  5. well  as  u  wish  

    if  there  is   no  problem  in  ur  family

    thats  a  great  thing

    i  fully  suport  u

  6. se if you adopt someone it not only gives him/her a home but you are blessed in dual manner .as the childs love is a blessing and secondly as the child is a son of god god will also bless you.

  7. Hi, it's always difficult with Indian parents as they have their own ideas.  My husband and I wanted to adopt a few years ago and received tremendous resistance from my parents. We did not go through with the adoption and really regret it. We are now starting the process again. We are still receiving some resistance but have told my parents that it's our decision.  My advice to you is to stay strong and explain to your parents that it's decision and you are doing what is best for your family. Adoption is wonderful thing and god will bless you for improving a child's life.

  8. Don't worry about convincing your parents. You need to let them know that this is what you're going to do to grow your family & if they're on board & accepting of it, wonderful...if not, then you'll regret the loss of relationship with them.

    It won't be healthy for your adopted child to be around family members who aren't accepting & will send messages (no matter how subtle or obvious) that they're not welcome, not loved or not worthy.

    If you move forward, be willing if necessary to sever the relationship with your parents.

    I'm betting that even if they aren't supportive initially, they'll probably come around after they see the new child.

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