
We are buying a second hand car, it only has one key with it?

by  |  earlier

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Its central locking so has the clicker thing on it to open the car. Can we get another key without going to the dealers (because that will cost a fortune)?




  1. doubt it and having lost a key and the new 1 having to be programmed it cost us about £169

  2. Your local Renault dealer should be able to provide a new key.

  3. You can get a key made, for the door, but if it needs a need it the key made from a dealer or else your car can lock up anywhere (highway) not good.  And then look at how much it will cost!

    Hey you Jon m be nice!  :)

  4. go to alarm store and get the new one.

    u might get some money off ur old one.

    btw my stock alarm sucks a lot..  

  5. You need two things here - You can buy a new 'plip' key and program it to your car, and have the key blade cut to match.

    Here's how to program a new fob;

  6. Don't attempt to get one made up from anyone else than Renault.

    You'll end up wasting your money.

    The keys are chipped and needs to be programmed by Renault. If you show up with a key cut somewhere else, they'll charge you a the price for a new key just for the programming. By the way. They'll need the car in there as well as the key. The two needs to be mated.

  7. The "Program your keys" answer probably won't work, that procedure is to re-sync the key if the battery has died or been removed. Firstly you should have negotiated a price reduction for the missing key. Then you will have to get a dealer to provide the new key and program the car electronics to accept it. You don't program the key itself. It has to be done by somebody with the Renault diagnostic system

  8. Well thankfully, this area is for anyone with a question relating to car maintenance however minor.  But unfortunately, as some one else has said, yo will probably need to go to a main dealer.

  9. Okay, enoiugh questions. We need to know what kind of car this is, cause if it's a Pinto then forget it. And if it's a Bentley then get another key!

    These questions are small dumb questions. This website is for ppl who have broken cars and need professional advice. No stupid questions!

    You remind me of a camry woman... It's a camry isnt it?

  10. no

  11. You will probably need to go to a dealer as they'll need the code to make another key.

    We've just been through the same scenario, it cost £80.

  12. Ring the dealer, give all the details including serial number year etc and they should be able to easily tell you what it might cost.

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