
We are considering fostering a couple of horses...need help...?

by  |  earlier

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We have a small 13 acre farm and are considering fostering a couple of horses from a local equine rescue. We understand we will be responsible fully for their care/feed/vet, etc...That is not the question....

They have many horses available...

To all you horse lovers out there...the horses we are considering are:




QH - gelding

I do not know enough about the breeds and mixes to make an informed decision. The dirst two are saddle broke and ok to ride (no jumping)...the second two are also saddle broke but can be ridden only in "walk" or "short" trot.

They range in age from 12-19 years.

I don't care about galloping them, cantering them...wnt to know your preferences and why. I am researching the net but need other opinions.





  1. Hi, thanks for answering my own question

    Well as this would be your first horse i would go for a gelding. As for breeds a QH, or Tennessee walker, would be good, as they tend to be a bit quieter. I would probably go for one of the first two, as they are broken in a bit more, but my advise like the person before is to go and spend time with them, get to know them more. Take them riding, groom and wash them. Who do you form a bond with the most? Who would you like to care for, for the rest of his/her days?? Just ask yourself if you could live with them for many years to come?As you don't want a horse that you can't control or like. Also as you have dogs, have any of the horses, had experience around dogs and if so can they tolerate it. Some older horses I know don't tolerate alot of things so if you can lease your prefered horse for a few months and see if he,she is suited to your propety.

    GOOD LUCK!!!

  2. I personally have Morgans, but I think for your first horse I would go with the Quarter Horse gelding or the Tennessee Walker gelding. I love Morgans and Arabians, but they tend to be a bit more horse to handle. Okay - before I go any further here is my disclaimer. I am not saying that Arabians (or Morgans for that matter) are crazy, excitable, ect... They are wonderful animals. In addition, there are always variations within any breed - age, training, past history, individual temperament - these are all things that can contribute to a horse's personality. Some of the best horses I know are Arabians.

    Okay - now on with my answer :) I would actually take into stock the horse's personalities and temperaments (you might ask the organization you are going to be fostering for & the people that are currently taking care of the horses). I would also check to see what the herd dynamics are. Anotherwords, make sure that the horses you get will work well with you and with each other.

    I am personally a bigger fan of geldings (again - this is just my personal preference). I think that they tend to be calmer and less "moody". Many times when you get two geldings they will bond and get along quite well.

    Good luck with your descision!

  3. Well i need a few people like you for my rescue.  What i would do is go out and spend time with each horse, make sure you find out everything you can about them, some have issues.  Take in the horses best suited for you and your level of riding or whatever.  The only way to know if your even compatible with any of these is to go there and spend time.

    Thank you for helping, we need more people like you to do this, im running out of space and energy...boy am i beat.

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